• 公司目标保持一致
    【HR术语】什么是绩效奖金?(What is a performance-based bonus?) 什么是绩效奖金? 绩效奖金是给予团队成员的额外报酬,作为对达到预先设定的目标和基准的奖励。 领导层通常会在对杰出项目或高质量工作表现进行评估后,用绩效奖金奖励团队。 绩效奖金的类型和示例 每个组织都会制定并遵循自己的政策来奖励出色的工作。最常见的绩效奖金类型包括 现场奖金。当场奖金是一种 “当场 ”决定,是对高绩效的一种补偿。管理者通常从自由支配基金中提取即期奖金,领导层可设定即期奖金的指定发放时间。 佣金奖金。佣金奖金通常用于销售部门,是销售利润的一个预定百分比,通常颁发给团队成员,以表彰他们在确保销售中所发挥的作用。 任务奖金。这是在团队成员实现预定的具体目标后给予的补偿。这些目标可以是整个团队的标准化目标,也可以是根据每个人的技能组合和工作职责制定的个性化目标。 利润分享奖金。如果组织的利润高于预期,他们可能会用利润分享奖金来奖励业绩超出预期的员工。 收益分享奖金。收益分享奖金通常在制造业发放。通常在产品需求量大的季节发放,收益分享奖金支付给帮助提高生产效率和质量的员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注绩效奖金? 基于公平标准而精心设计的绩效奖金制度可以激励团队成员完成高质量的工作,达到既定目标,并保持积极性和生产力。 绩效奖金还能帮助人力资源领导层实现以下目标: 让团队成员参与并为公司的长远发展感到兴奋 留住优秀员工,提高他们对公司的忠诚度 吸引新的人才加入公司 激励员工发挥潜能 绩效奖金:优点与缺点 虽然绩效奖金是激励员工和奖励出色表现的好方法,但也并非没有挑战。如果企业没有明确的战略来监控绩效奖金的发放频率、范围和对象,那么企业的底线和企业文化都会受到影响。 让我们来看看绩效奖金的优点和挑战。 绩效奖金如何计算? 虽然每家公司都采用自己的模式来计算绩效奖金,但许多组织都选择在员工完成预定目标后,每年按工资的一定比例给予奖励。 如果绩效奖金是按季度、按月,甚至是临时性的发放,那就比较麻烦了,因为奖金总额要在全年中进行分配。 平均绩效奖金是多少? 平均而言,绩效奖金约占年薪的 2.5%-7.5% 左右。 根据 Ceic 的数据,美国的平均年薪为 55,020 美元,因此平均每年的绩效奖金在 1,375.50 美元到 4,126.50 美元之间。抛开全国平均水平不谈,某些职业也能带来不菲的收入。如果你有幸在 2014-2020 年间为巴塞罗那足球俱乐部效力,那么你的合同中就包含了 11,000,000 欧元的奖金,只要你在一个赛季中至少参加了球队一半的比赛。足球生涯失败了,为什么不试试投资或成为商业巨头呢?据报道,特斯拉董事会同意向首席执行官埃隆-马斯克支付550亿美元的10年奖金,相当于1100万块卡地亚手表。 如何确保有效实施绩效奖金? 人力资源领导者可以领导管理者与员工之间的合作,制定绩效奖金标准,有效激励团队,并与公司预算和目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以结合以下步骤,创建一个动态的绩效奖金系统: 确定标准。人力资源领导者应制定绩效奖金的评估标准,并确保管理人员及其团队对此有所了解。向双方解释标准可为他们提供必要的信息,以便尽最大努力做好本职工作。人力资源部门还可以实施绩效衡量系统,最大限度地挖掘员工潜力,确保客观公正。 培训管理者指导团队。根据 Zippia 于 2022 年发布的研究报告《30 项平均奖金统计》,“总体而言,奖金可使员工在工作场所的参与度提高八倍”。由于管理者在员工敬业度方面发挥着至关重要的作用,因此教育他们成为有效的教练,可以直接提高员工的工作绩效,进而推动公司的发展。 邀请团队参与目标设定。人力资源领导可以邀请团队成员帮助制定可实现的绩效奖金目标。如果员工参与目标制定过程,他们就更有可能更好地把握未来的任务,并有动力完成这些任务。 持续发放绩效奖金。绩效奖金应按照统一的时间表发放。这样,员工就能制定相应的计划,在截止日期前完成任务,增加获得绩效奖金的机会。 让绩效奖金目标与公司目标保持一致。人力资源领导者可以通过整合促进个人和公司成功的目标来增强员工的能力。这能让员工更加投入,知道自己的工作具有意义和重要性。 绩效奖金如何改善公司文化? 绩效奖金制度可以奖励专业人员的成就,并公平、准确地衡量工作绩效,从而给员工带来成就感。他们可以体验到职业成长,从为公司的整体成功做出贡献中获得满足感,并更有可能为公司文化带来积极的能量和良好的态度。 以下为文章原文: What is a performance-based bonus? A performance-based bonus is an extra compensation granted to a team member as a reward for reaching pre-established goals and benchmarks. Leadership often rewards their teams with performance bonuses after evaluating outstanding projects or high-quality work performances. Types and examples of performance bonuses Every organization creates and follows their own policy to reward exceptional work. The most common types of performance bonuses include: Spot bonuses. A spot bonus is an “on the spot” decision, a form of compensation awarded in recognition of high performance. Managers often draw spot bonuses from a discretionary fund and leadership may set designated times for spot bonuses. Commission bonuses. Commonly utilized by sales departments, commission bonuses are a predetermined percentage of sales profit, usually awarded to a team member in recognition for their role in securing a sale. Mission bonus. This is compensation awarded to team members after the achievement of specific, predetermined goals. These goals can be standardized for the whole team or personalized for each individual, based on their skill set and job responsibilities. Profit-sharing bonus. If an organization turns a higher profit than expected, they may reward people who exceeded performance expectations with profit-sharing bonuses. Gain-sharing bonus. Gain-sharing bonuses are commonly awarded in the manufacturing sector. Usually given during seasons where their products are in high demand, gain-sharing bonuses are paid to the people who help improve efficiency and quality of production. Why should HR leaders care about performance bonuses? A well-designed performance bonus system based on fair criteria can stimulate team members to deliver quality work, reach set targets, and maintain motivation and productivity. Performance bonuses can also help HR leadership to: Keep team members engaged in–and excited about–the company’s longevity Retain top performers and drive company loyalty Attract new talent towards the organization Motivate people to achieve their potential Performance bonuses: advantages vs disadvantages While performance bonuses are a great way to motivate your workforce and incentivize exceptional performance, they’re not without challenges. If an organization has no clear strategy in place to monitor the frequency, scope, and recipients of performance bonuses, both their bottom line and company culture can be affected. Let’s consider both the strengths and challenges associated with performance bonuses. How are performance bonuses calculated? While every company adopts its own model to calculate performance bonuses, many organizations choose to reward their people annually with a percentage of their salary, upon the completion of predetermined targets. It gets a little trickier if performance bonuses are paid quarterly, monthly, or even on an ad hoc basis, as the total bonus amount is divided throughout the year. How much is the average performance bonus? On average, performance bonuses amount to around 2.5 percent-7.5 percent of an annual salary. According to Ceic, the average annual salary in the United States was $55,020, making the average annual performance bonuses stand between $1,375.50 and $4,126.50 per year. Forget national averages, certain careers can yield the big bucks. If you were lucky enough to play for FC Barcelona between 2014-2020, your contract included an €11,000,000 bonus for playing at least half of the team’s games during a season. Failing a football career, why not try investment or becoming a business magnate? The Tesla board reportedly agreed to pay CEO Elon Musk a 10-year bonus of $55 billion, the equivalent of 11 million Cartier watches. How can you ensure effective implementation of performance bonuses? HR leaders can lead a collaboration between managers and their people to establish performance bonus criteria that effectively motivate the team and align with the company budget and goals. HR leaders can incorporate these steps to create a dynamic performance bonus system: Define criteria. HR leaders should establish the criteria they’ll be using to assess for performance bonuses, and ensure that managers and their teams understand it. Explaining the criteria to both provides each with the necessary information to do their jobs to the best of their ability. HR can also implement a performance metric-system to maximize employee potential and ensure objectivity and fairness. Train managers to coach their teams. According to Zippia’s 2022 research, 30 average Bonus Statistics, “Overall, bonuses lead to workers being eight times more engaged in the workplace”. Because managers play such a vital role in employee engagement, educating them to become effective coaches can directly enhance employee work performance and in-turn advance the company. Invite teams to take part in target-setting. HR leaders can invite team members to help establish attainable performance bonus goals. There is a higher probability that people will better grasp the tasks ahead of them and have the motivation to accomplish these tasks if they participate in the goal-setting process. Offer performance bonuses consistently. Performance bonuses should be granted according to a consistent timeline. This way, people can plan accordingly to meet deadlines and increase their chances of qualifying for a performance bonus. Align performance bonus goals with company goals. HR leaders can empower their people by integrating goals that promote both individual and company success. This allows their people to feel more engaged, knowing that their work holds meaning and importance. How can performance bonuses improve company culture? A performance bonus system that rewards professionals for their achievements and measures work performance fairly and accurately gives people a sense of accomplishment. They can experience professional growth, satisfaction from contributing toward the overall success of their company, and are more likely to bring positive energy and a good attitude to the company culture.