• 培养忠诚度
    【HR术语】什么是入职前培训,为什么它很重要?(What is preboarding and why is it important?) 什么是入职前培训,为什么它很重要? 在我们快速发展的工作环境中,人力资源部门不得不发展一种全新的语言:一种能够准确反映我们日益复杂的角色和工作条件的语言。 在招聘方面,"入职前培训 "就是这一新语言中你应该牢记的词汇之一。在这个员工敬业度决定一切的时代,让自己在竞争中脱颖而出的一个重要方法就是精心策划(并妥善实施)有效的入职前培训计划。 在此,我们不对员工入职进行定义,相信你已经知道什么是入职以及何时入职,无论是亲自入职还是远程入职。 内容: 什么是入职前培训? 入职前培训为何重要? 入职前培训如何让新员工有宾至如归的感觉? 入职前培训应包括哪些内容? 入职前培训的技巧和最佳实践 入职前培训与入职前培训 利用入职前培训提高留任率 什么是入职前培训? 入职前培训是入职前的一个步骤,新员工在入职前要与组织见面并处理一些官僚细节。 入职前流程通常包括一些简单的事项:税表、健康声明、保险文书以及其他任何可以通过电子邮件处理的事项。在新员工入职第一天之前完成这些任务,人力资源部门就可以规划出更有效、更简化的入职体验。 以下是确保新员工经历有效的入职前体验如此重要的原因。 入职前培训为何重要? 俗话说,给人的第一印象不会有第二次机会。 即使你的候选人可能还没有为你工作,你也应该以一种让他们知道他们很重要并且他们做出了正确决定的方式来对待他们。 以下是您应该认真对待入职前培训的一些原因: 培养忠诚度。受到公司善待的人更有可能感受到与工作场所的联系。这有助于培养忠诚度,意味着他们有更多理由留在这里。 确保人才。新员工接受了你的聘用,并不意味着你就完全摆脱困境了。他们可能会利用你的提议来吸引其他地方的人才,或者在其他公司获得更好的工作机会。但是,高质量的入职前流程可能会让他们相信你的提议是最好的。 防止员工流失。员工流失既费钱又费时,总成本约占离职员工基本工资的 33%。入职培训和留住员工密不可分,而入职前培训则是确保防止员工流失的额外步骤。 入职前培训如何让员工有宾至如归的感觉? 尽管您为企业招募到了优秀的候选人,但当今的顶尖人才争夺战仍在激烈进行。这场争夺战并不会在候选人接受贵公司职位的那一刻结束。 您的竞争对手非常了解最优秀的人才。因此,可以肯定的是,招聘人员和竞争对手的组织已经将您的新员工纳入他们的视线,甚至在他们加入您的组织后,还在与他们联系有关职位的事宜。 活跃的劳动力市场上出现了一种新的招聘趋势:员工 "幽灵化",美联储将其定义为 "美联储将其定义为:"员工在没有通知的情况下停止上班,然后就无法联系。 因此,如今您的首要责任之一就是确保您的新员工对您的组织做出长期承诺,而不是上竞争对手的当。 入职前培训应包括哪些内容? 在入职前培训计划中,您必须提供让新员工熟悉组织的信息,这样他们才能在新的工作岗位上抢占先机。 以下是入职前培训应包括的一些内容: 结构化路线图。提供一个结构化的路线图,有助于让新员工明确在未来几天或几周内,他们在贵公司应该做些什么。 常见问题列表。您的新团队成员一定会有一长串问题希望得到解答。准备一份常见问题解答文档,解答常见问题,将有助于新员工了解情况,增强信心。 深入了解公司文化。公司文化在现代员工体验中扮演着重要角色。借此机会分享公司的传统、成就,甚至内部笑话,确保新员工对加入您的团队感到融入和兴奋。 分享公司手册。如果您有公司手册,应与新员工分享,这样他们就能了解公司的所有内幕。 基本的行政工作。新员工加入公司后,需要完成大量的行政工作。其中一些任务可以在入职前阶段完成,这意味着他们第一天的工作不会是纯粹的行政事务。 入职前培训的技巧和最佳实践 由于许多优秀人才在几乎没有提前通知的情况下就选择放弃新工作,因此企业的新员工入职准备期必须快如闪电。 这是因为大多数人不会立即开始新工作。而这种停工期可能会让他们对自己接受组织新职位的决定产生怀疑。 不过,您可以通过一些有效的入职前想法来消除这种焦虑: 向整个组织发送一封电子邮件,介绍新员工,并鼓励新同事做自我介绍。 邀请新员工到工作场所与 C 级团队成员进行非正式交谈。 带领新员工参观公司。 为新员工和直属团队成员安排校外社交活动。 在新员工第一天上班之前,发送一封电子邮件询问他们是否有任何问题或顾虑。提醒他们组织里的每个人都对他们的到来感到非常兴奋! 充分利用新员工入职前的空闲时间,你就能让他们感受到初次加入组织时的兴奋。 而一个积极进取的团队成员更有可能坚持工作一段时间。 入职与入职前培训 入职培训和入职前培训经常被混淆或交替使用。 但实际上,这两个流程在很多关键方面是不同的。以下是界定入职培训和入职前培训的主要因素。 如果您希望改进入职流程,我们的员工入职模板和入职电子邮件模板可以帮助您快速入职。 利用入职前培训提高留任率 如今,员工,尤其是千禧一代,加入和离开组织的速度之快令人咋舌。近 20% 的新员工会在入职前 45 天内辞职。 招聘不仅仅是寻找和录用: 要使招聘过程取得成功,新员工需要坚持下去。但好消息是,正确的入职前培训可以迅速加强新员工与组织的联系,大大降低离职率和自然减员率。 入职前培训是入职培训的好帮手,因此可以肯定的是,有了强有力的入职前培训,就会有强有力的入职培训--我们知道,强有力的入职培训会带来快乐的员工。 投资入职前培训应该是让新员工参与并与组织保持联系的重中之重。 以下为文章原文: What is preboarding and why is it important? In our rapidly evolving workplace, HR has been forced to develop a whole new language: one that accurately reflects all of our increasingly complicated roles and work conditions. When it comes to hiring, one of the words in this new vocabulary that you should be keeping top of mind is “preboarding.” In an era when employee engagement is everything, a crucial way to set yourself apart from the competition is a well-planned (and well-implemented) effective preboarding program. We won’t define employee onboarding here—we’re sure you know what it is and when it happens, whether that’s in person or via remote onboarding. Contents: What is preboarding? Why is preboarding important? How does preboarding make hires feel at home? What should be included in preboarding? Tips and best practices for preboarding Onboarding vs preboarding Use preboarding to increase retention What is preboarding? Preboarding is the step before onboarding, when new hires get to meet the organization and take care of some bureaucratic details before their first day. The preboarding process usually covers simple things: tax forms, health declarations, insurance paperwork, and anything else that can be handled over email. Knocking out these tasks before day one allows HR to plan a more effective and streamlined onboarding experience. Here’s why making sure your new hires go through an effective preboarding experience is so important. Why is preboarding important? As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Even though your candidate may not even be working for you yet, you should still treat them in a way that lets them know that they matter and that they’ve made the right decision. Here are some reasons why you should take preboarding seriously: It fosters loyalty. People who are treated well by their company will be more likely to feel a connection with their place of work. This can help to foster loyalty—meaning they’ll have more reason to stick around. It secures talent. When a new hire has accepted your offer, it doesn’t mean that you’re completely out of the woods. They may be using your offer to gather interest elsewhere or secure a better offer at another company. But a quality preboarding process may convince them that your offer is best. It prevents turnover. Employee turnover is costly and time-consuming, with costs totaling approximately 33% of the exiting employee’s base pay. Onboarding and employee retention are inextricably linked, and preboarding is that extra step toward making sure you can combat attrition. How does preboarding make hires feel at home? Even though you recruited a great candidate for your organization, there’s a fierce and ongoing battle today for top talent. That battle doesn’t end the second a candidate accepts a role in your organization. Your competitors are well aware of the most talented people out there. That’s why it’s a safe bet that recruiters and rival organizations have your new hires on their radars and are reaching out to them about positions even after they’ve joined your organization. The active labor market has seen a new trend in hiring: employee ghosting, which The Federal Reserve has defined as: “a situation where a worker stops coming to work without notice and then is impossible to contact.” As such, one of your primary responsibilities today is to make sure your new hires make a long-term commitment to your organization, and not take the bait from one of your competitors. What should be included in preboarding? In your preboarding program, it’s vital that you include information that familiarizes your new hire with your organization so that they can get a head start on their new job. Here are some things that your preboarding should include: A structured roadmap. Providing a structured roadmap will help give your new hire clarity on what they should expect in the upcoming days and weeks with your company. A list of FAQs. Your new team member is bound to have a long list of questions that they’d like answered. Preparing an FAQ document addressing common questions will help your new hire feel informed and confident. Insights into your company culture. Company culture plays a large role in the modern employee experience. Take this opportunity to share company traditions, achievements, and even inside jokes to make sure your new member feels included and excited about joining your team. Share your company handbook. If you’ve got a company handbook, this should be shared with your new hire so they can be in the know about all of the ins and outs of your company. Basic admin tasks. When a new hire joins the company, there is a fair amount of admin to get done. Some of these tasks can be ticked off in the preboarding stage—meaning their first day won’t be purely administrative. Tips and best practices for preboarding With so many talented people opting out of new jobs with little or no notice, your organization’s new hire ramp-up period needs to be lightning-fast. This is because most people don’t start a new job right away. And this downtime can cause them to second-guess their decision to accept a new role in your organization. However, you can eliminate a lot of this anxiety with some effective preboarding ideas: Send an email to the entire organization introducing a new hire and encouraging new colleagues to introduce themselves in return. Invite a new hire to pop by the workplace for informal chats with C-level team members. Give your new hire a grand tour of the organization. Set up social events off campus between a new hire and immediate team members. Before a new hire’s big first day, send an email asking if they have any questions or concerns. Remind them how excited everyone at your organization is about their arrival! By making the most of the downtime before a new hire’s first day you’ll be able to build on the excitement they felt when they first signed up to join your organization. And a motivated team member is much more likely to stick around for a while. Onboarding vs preboarding Onboarding and preboarding can often be mixed up or used interchangeably. But in reality, these two processes differ from one another in a number of key ways. Here are the main factors that define both onboarding and preboarding. If you’re looking to improve your onboarding process, our employee onboarding templates and onboarding email templates can help you get a head start. Use preboarding to increase retention Employees today, especially millennials, are joining and leaving organizations at a rate that’ll make your head spin. Close to 20% of new hires will quit their jobs within the first 45 days. Hiring is about more than finding and hiring: To be a successful process, new joiners need to stick around. But the good news is that preboarding done right can quickly strengthen your new hires’ connection to your organization, greatly reducing turnover and attrition rates. Preboarding is onboarding’s sidekick, so it’s safe to assume that with strong preboarding comes strong onboarding—and we know that strong onboarding leads to happy employees. Investing in your preboarding should be a top priority for keeping your new hires engaged and connected to your organization.