• 降低运营成本
    【德国】工业运营零信任用户访问平台开发商XONA获得1800万美元融资,提高员工生产力和安全性 工业运营零信任用户访问平台开发商XONA宣布完成由知名网络投资者Energy Impact Partners (EIP)领投的1800万美元战略融资,使公司的总融资达到3200万美元。这笔资金将使公司能够增强其OT企业零信任用户访问平台,使客户能够满足不断变化的监管环境,并避免对关键基础设施日益增加的网络攻击。 XONA为操作技术(OT)和其他关键基础设施环境提供无摩擦的用户访问。XONA的专有协议隔离和零信任架构可以立即消除常见的攻击媒介,同时为授权用户提供从任何位置或设备无缝和安全的操作技术控制。 XONA创始人兼首席执行官Bill Moore表示:“我们正在迅速扩大我们的团队,以支持我们的能源、石油和天然气、制造业和政府合作伙伴应对与远程操作能力相关的网络安全挑战。”“在EIP的新资金和战略支持下,我们将在未来几年实现高速增长。” XONA创新解决方案的融资发生在工业企业经历从现场控制室操作到远程和移动混合模式的重大转变之际。虽然远程工作使公司能够应对不断变化的员工偏好和运营现实,但它也带来了新的网络安全漏洞,给人员、财产和利润带来风险。 除了进一步加强XONA团队,新获得的资金将加速产品开发,包括不断增长的战略OEM和技术联盟,并提供更丰富的用户访问分析。 “我们很高兴能与XONA在下一阶段的发展中合作。操作技术(OT)的远程访问是增长最快的产品类别之一,XONA的产品以其独特的价值实现时间、易用性和专为OT环境设计的强大安全功能而脱颖而出。我们看到了像XONA这样的解决方案的巨大机遇,特别是考虑到VPN替代和数字化转型计划的主要浪潮。energy Impact Partners副总裁Tansel Ismail表示:“这一合作伙伴关系完全符合我们支持创新技术的承诺,这些技术有助于加速数字化转型并支持能源转型。 在过去的几年中,运营资产所有者已经认识到通常迫切需要向用户(如第三方供应商、合作伙伴、承包商、技术人员和其他外部IT人员)提供远程操作访问,以支持关键基础设施行业中过程控制环境的独特需求。但传统的远程访问解决方案,如虚拟专用网络,为网络攻击和勒索软件攻击等破坏打开了大门。随着市场的起飞,特别是在COVID大流行暴露了需求之后,XONA是唯一一家严格专注于满足工业运营安全远程访问需求的供应商。 XONA的安全和直观的平台结合了强大的多因素认证(MFA),资产和协议隔离,角色和基于时间的访问控制,适度的访问和文件传输,以及用户会话日志和记录。 关于XONA XONA为工业运营提供业界领先的零信任用户访问平台。XONA的使命是使您组织的员工,承包商,顾问,供应商和兼职工人的工作效率更高,更安全,同时降低您的运营成本。XONA能够无缝、安全地自适应访问您最关键的系统和应用程序,同时降低运营和网络风险,提高运营效率。 关于 Energy Impact Partners LP (EIP) Energy Impact Partners LP (EIP)是一家全球投资公司,引领向可持续未来的转型。EIP将企业家和一些世界上最具前瞻性的能源和工业公司聚集在一起,推动创新。EIP管理着超过40亿美元的资产,在全球范围内进行风险投资、增长和信贷投资,并在纽约、旧金山、华盛顿特区、亚特兰大、棕榈滩、伦敦、科隆、奥斯陆和新加坡设有办事处,拥有一支由90多名专业人士组成的团队
  • 降低运营成本
    【HR术语】什么是人力资源运营?(What is HR operations?) 什么是人力资源运营? 人力资源运营(不要与人事运营混淆)是企业内的一项重要职能,负责管理日常人力资源活动的行政和实际工作。 人力资源运营是人力资源部门的支柱,确保各种人力资源流程和系统顺利运行,包括招聘、入职、薪资管理、员工关系、合规等。 人力资源运营的目标是什么? 效率和准确性。优化人力资源流程,减少人工操作,将人力资源操作中的错误降至最低。 合规性。确保遵守劳动法律、法规和公司政策,从而降低法律风险。 良好的员工关系。建立积极的关系,为企业员工提供支持,帮助他们发挥最佳水平。 可扩展性。让企业的员工与公司一起成长,使员工队伍能够不断满足企业不断变化的需求。 人力资源运营的职责是什么? 入职和离职。管理从招聘到离职的整个员工生命周期。 薪资和福利管理。处理专业人员的薪酬和福利,确保准确及时地处理薪资。 数据管理。维护记录和数据的准确性,保护敏感信息。 合规与法律。确保人力资源流程符合劳动法律、法规和公司政策。 劳动力规划。协助制定组织的整体人力资源战略,包括劳动力规划、继任和招聘。 培训与发展。管理培训计划,跟踪员工的进步,确定需要改进的地方,并为职业发展创造机会。 解决冲突。处理专业人员之间的争议。 健康与安全。通过制定安全政策和报告流程以及开展培训,为员工营造一个安全健康的工作环境。 人力资源技术管理。实施并监督人力资源信息系统(HRIS)、绩效管理软件和申请人跟踪工具等软件工具。 人力资源运营经理的职责是什么? 人力资源运营经理负责监督所有人力资源运营的日常运作(人力资源运营总监则负责总体战略)。 他们与其他人力资源领导合作,确保所有流程与公司目标保持一致。 他们监督人力资源员工和人力资源运营专家,确保工作的完成。人力资源运营经理还为员工提供他们可能需要的任何支持。他们将这种支持扩展到整个组织--解决复杂的人力资源问题并提供指导。 人力资源运营经理要寻找机会,实施人力资源最佳实践,提高效率,降低运营成本。他们分析可用的人力资源数据,就资源分配和劳动力规划做出决策,并实施人力资源技术解决方案以提高自动化程度。 人力资源运营经理还有责任随时了解相关法律法规,确保合规。 人力资源运营经理的薪酬是多少? 人力资源运营经理的薪酬因经验、地点、组织规模和行业而异。 但平均而言,他们在美国的年薪约为 123,000 美元,在英国约为 64,495 英镑,在澳大利亚约为 130,000 澳元。 事实上,大型企业中经验丰富的经理人的年薪可能会超过这个数字,最高可达 16.4 万美元、7.5 万英镑和 15.25 万澳元,而那些规模较小或经验较少的经理人的年薪通常在 8.7 万美元、4.7 万英镑或 11.58 万澳元左右。 工作地点对薪酬水平有很大影响,大城市的薪酬通常较高。 人力资源技术如何帮助人力资源运营? 人力资源技术是人力资源运作不可或缺的一部分,因为它有许多好处: 自动化。人力资源技术可将工资单处理、入职和福利管理等重复性工作自动化,从而节省人力资源专业人员通常用于行政管理的时间。 数据管理。人力资源技术解决方案可保持企业专业人员数据的准确性和时效性,从而更好地进行决策和报告。 合规管理。人力资源软件让您轻松遵守最新法规和劳动法。 自助门户。人力资源技术允许员工通过自助门户访问人力资源信息、申请休假和更新个人资料,从而提高了运营效率。 分析和报告。人力资源技术通过数据分析工具深入洞察劳动力趋势,帮助企业做出明智、数据驱动的决策。 招聘和人才管理。许多人力资源工具都具有申请人跟踪、候选人评估和人才管理功能,使招聘和组织劳动力管理变得更加容易。 绩效管理。一些人力资源系统支持绩效评估、目标设定和反馈流程,帮助专业人员发挥最佳水平。 学习与发展。学习管理系统(LMS)等解决方案可让团队成员获得教育资源,并帮助人力资源部门创建和管理专业培训计划。 人力资源运营是现代组织不可或缺的一部分。它能确保公司日常工作的顺利进行,并极大地促进积极的工作环境。最重要的是,它有助于提高工作满意度、提高生产率、改善业务绩效--使专业人员和整个公司蓬勃发展。 以下为文章原文: What is HR operations? Human resources operations (not to be confused with people operations) is a crucial function within an organization, managing the administrative and practical aspects of day-to-day HR activities. HR operations is the backbone of the HR department, ensuring various HR processes and systems run smoothly—including recruitment, onboarding, payroll administration, employee relations, compliance, and more. What are HR operations’ goals? Efficiency and accuracy. To optimize HR processes, reduce manual tasks, and minimize errors in HR operations. Compliance. To ensure compliance with labor laws, regulations, and company policies so that there’s less legal risk. Good employee relations. To create positive relationships that support an organization’s people, helping them to perform at their best. Scalability. To enable an organization’s people to grow along with the company so the workforce can continue to meet the business’s changing needs. What are HR operations’ responsibilities? Onboarding and offboarding. Managing the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to exit processes. Payroll and benefits administration. Handling compensation and benefits for professionals, ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing. Data management. Maintaining records and data accuracy, as well as protecting sensitive information. Compliance and legal. Making sure HR processes comply with labor laws, regulations, and company policies. Workforce planning. Assisting with an organization’s overall HR strategy, including workforce planning, succession, and recruitment. Training and development. Managing training programs, tracking people’s progress, identifying areas for improvement, and creating opportunities for career progression. Conflict resolution. Handling disputes among professionals. Health and safety. Supporting people’s wellbeing with a safe and healthy work environment by establishing safety policies and reporting processes, as well as conducting training. HR tech management. Implementing and overseeing software tools such as human resource information systems (HRIS), performance management software, and applicant tracking tools. What is the role of an HR operations manager? The HR operations manager oversees the day-to-day running of all HR operations (while the HR operations director focuses on the overall strategy). They collaborate with other HR leaders to make sure all processes align to further the company’s goals. They supervise HR staff and HR operations specialists, ensuring that work is completed. The HR operations manager also provides people with any support they may need. They extend this support to people across the organization—addressing complex HR issues and offering guidance. The HR operations manager identifies opportunities to implement HR best practices, boosting efficiency and reducing operational costs. They analyze the available HR data to make decisions on resource allocation and workforce planning and implement HR technology solutions to increase automation. It’s also the HR operations manager’s responsibility to stay up to date on relevant laws and regulations to ensure compliance. What is an HR operations manager’s salary? The salary of an HR operations manager varies based on experience, location, organization size, and industry. But, on average, they earn around US$123,000 per year in the United States, £64,495 in the United Kingdom, and A$130,000 in Australia, for example. Highly experienced managers in large organizations can earn more than that—up to US$164,000, £75,000, and A$152,500 in fact—while those in smaller companies, or with less experience, usually earn around US$87,000, £47,000, or A$115,800. Location has a strong influence on salary levels, with larger cities generally offering higher compensation. How can HR tech help with HR operations? HR technology forms an integral part of HR operations because it comes with many benefits: Automation. HR tech automates repetitive tasks like payroll processing, onboarding, and benefits administration, freeing up time HR professionals typically spend on admin. Data management. HR tech solutions keep data on an organization’s professionals accurate and up to date, enabling better decision-making and reporting. Compliance management. HR software makes it easy to stay compliant with the latest regulations and labor laws. Self-service portals. HR tech improves operational efficiency by allowing people to access HR information, request time off, and update personal details through self-service portals. Analytics and reporting. HR tech helps organizations make informed, data-driven decisions with data analytics tools that provide in-depth insights into workforce trends. Recruitment and talent management. Many HR tools come with features for applicant tracking, candidate assessment, and talent management, making it easier to take care of recruitment and the organization’s workforce. Performance management. Some HR systems support performance assessments, goal setting, and feedback processes, helping professionals perform at their best. Learning and development. Solutions like learning management systems (LMS) give team members access to educational resources and help HR create and manage professional training programs. HR operations is integral to modern organizations. It ensures a company’s smooth day-to-day functioning and significantly contributes to a positive work environment. Most importantly, it helps increase job satisfaction, boost productivity, and improve business performance—enabling professionals and the company as a whole to thrive.