• General Catalyst
    【美国】招聘平台Eightfold AI获1.25亿美元D轮融资,为世界上每一个人提供合适的职业。 编者注:Eightfold AI是由前谷歌搜索专家Ashutosh Garg,联合Facebook新闻推送团队的Varun Kacholia,共同成立的,从2018年成立融资2400万美元到现在的D轮1.25亿美元,估值超过10亿美元,跻身独角兽。 美国加州,2020年10月27日 Eightfold AI今天宣布已筹集到1.25亿美元的D轮融资。这笔资金将用于扩大和扩展Eightfold领先的AI驱动的人才智能平台,这是一个管理整个人才生命周期的单一解决方案。使用单一平台来解决这一关键领域的问题,与人才管理领域常见的不协调的点式解决方案形成了直接对比。 作为Eightfold创新愿景和奉献精神的直接结果,该公司目前估值10亿美元,与110个国家、17个行业和13种语言的客户合作。 本轮融资由General Catalyst领投,还包括之前几轮融资的投资者,包括Capital One Ventures、Foundation Capital、IVP和Lightspeed Venture Partners。 迄今为止,EightfoldAI筹集的资金总额超过1.8亿美元。自2019年4月上一轮股权融资以来,Eightfold的销售额已经增长了四倍多。Eightfold AI的客户,是拥抱这一全球人才转型的领先企业,包括亚航、拜耳、Capital One和美光。 "我们的使命是利用我们在人工智能方面的专业知识,为世界上的每个人提供合适的职业,"Eightfold AI创始人兼首席执行官Ashutosh Garg说。"Eightfold团队在过去的四年里开发了一个服务于所有人才生命周期需求的单一平台,完全绕过了单点解决方案。这是我们行业的未来,已经使Eightfold AI联智成为各个领域的行业领导者的首选供应商。我们感谢我们的投资者、客户和合作伙伴分享我们的愿景,尤其是在当前关注全球劳动力福祉的时候。" Eightfold AI为整个人才生命周期提供的单一平台,汇集了数十亿匿名数据点、算法和领域专业知识,为企业级组织带来可靠、可扩展的影响。获得专利的人才智能平台在现有的公共和遗留的HCM数据上使用深度学习AI,以改变企业获取、开发和提升人才的方式,并实现D&I目标。为了将员工队伍演变为竞争优势,Eightfold的客户已经取得了显著的成果,包括:在当前公司内找到下一个职位的员工数量增加了49%,在其职位被取消后,在同一公司内获得其他工作机会的员工数量增加了58%,申请空缺职位的高素质候选人增加了60%。 "Eightfold为企业打造了一个真正的智能驱动的人才获取和优化平台。最令人印象深刻的是他们与企业合作的方式,从根本上了解企业的需求,然后针对这些需求应用技术,创造出一种可扩展的、高效的人才管理方法。"General Catalyst总经理Quentin Clark说。"他们的是一种与行业无关的方法,有可能迅速发展企业如何满足和留住最优秀的人才。" 关于Eightfold AI Eightfold AI®提供的人才智能平台™,是企业留住优秀人才、提升员工技能和再技能、高效招聘顶尖人才、实现多元化目标的最有效方式。Eightfold AI的深度学习人工智能平台赋予企业将人才管理转化为竞争优势的能力。   Eightfold 历次相关报道 https://www.hrtechchina.com/search/?keywords=Eightfold   英文稿: MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Oct. 27, 2020 -- Eightfold AI today announced that it has raised a $125M Series D funding round. The funds will be used to expand and scale Eightfold's leading AI-powered Talent Intelligence Platform, a single solution for managing the entire talent lifecycle. Using a single platform to address this critical area stands in direct contrast to the disjointed point solutions commonly found in the talent management space. As a direct result of Eightfold's innovative vision and dedication, the company is now valued at $1 billion and works with customers across 110 countries, 17 industries and 13 languages. The funding round is led by General Catalyst and also includes investors from previous rounds, including Capital One Ventures, Foundation Capital, IVP and Lightspeed Venture Partners. Total funding raised to date by Eightfold AI is more than $180 million. Eightfold has more than quadrupled its sales since the last round of equity funding in April 2019. Eightfold AI's customers, leading companies embracing this global talent transformation, include AirAsia, Bayer, Capital One and Micron. "Our mission is to leverage our expertise in AI to provide the right career for everyone in the world," said Ashutosh Garg, Founder & CEO at Eightfold. "The Eightfold team has spent the last four years developing a single platform servicing all talent lifecycle needs, bypassing single point solutions entirely. This is the future of our industry, and has already made Eightfold the go-to provider for industry leaders in every sector. We are grateful to our investors, customers and partners for sharing in our vision, especially at a time when the immediate focus is on the well-being of the global workforce." Eightfold AI's single platform for the entire talent lifecycle brings together billions of anonymized data points, algorithms and domain expertise required to make a reliable, scalable impact for enterprise-scale organizations. The patented Talent Intelligence Platform uses deep learning AI on existing public and legacy HCM data to transform how companies acquire, develop and advance talent, and achieve D&I goals. Seeking to evolve their workforce into a competitive advantage, Eightfold customers have achieved significant results, including: a 49 percent increase in the number of employees finding their next role within their current company, a 58 percent increase in employees offered other jobs within the same company after their role had been eliminated, and 60 percent more highly qualified candidates applying to open jobs. "Eightfold has built a true intelligence-driven platform for talent acquisition and optimization for the enterprise. What's been most impressive is their approach to partnering with companies to fundamentally understand their needs and then applying tech against those needs to create a scalable, efficient approach to talent management," said Quentin Clark, Managing Director at General Catalyst. "Theirs is an industry-agnostic approach that has the potential to rapidly evolve how companies meet and retain their best people." About Eightfold AI Eightfold AI® delivers the Talent Intelligence Platform™, the most effective way for organizations to retain top performers, upskill and reskill the workforce, recruit top talent efficiently, and reach diversity goals. Eightfold AI's deep learning artificial intelligence platform empowers enterprises to turn talent management into a competitive advantage. For more information, visit www.eightfold.ai.
    General Catalyst
  • General Catalyst
    企业协同软件开发商Range获600万美元种子轮融资 据外媒报道,初创公司「Range」于近期完成600万美元种子轮融资,由General Catalyst领投,First Round Capital、Bloomberg Bet等机构跟投。 据前瞻产业研究院整理,2019年全球企业协作市场规模达310亿美元。同时,增长最快的细分领域为企业协同软件(Teamwork Apps),增速接近60%。在全球市场份额上,传统巨头如微软等公司和新兴企业占比几乎对半,尚未出现垄断品牌。「Range」选择从细分赛道切入协作办公市场,其软件主要面向小型团队,帮助他们提高日常协作效率,产品的核心是为了替代晨会等小型会议。 软件每天早上提醒用户当天的工作内容,把每个成员串联起来,并将其统一标注到大的项目上,方便查看和跟踪。团队认为这样的功能是很多协作软件有所局限的部分,比如slack这类软件的核心功能是对话和会议,帮助团队形成信息互通。但沟通后,重要信息无法有效沉淀,会迅速成为模糊的历史状态,对远程办公团队的效率造成伤害。 除了整理和跟踪信息,「Range」还可以帮助小型团队跟踪工作目标和会议进程。软件可以和Google Docs,Google Calendar,Slack,Asana,Jira等其他办公写作软件结合使用。避免用户在使用多种类软件时,信息出现碎片化情况。软件免费开放给10人以下的团队和公司使用,在10人的基础上,每增加一位使用者需每月额外支付14美元。 在组织功能方面,「Range」与另一款协作软件Notion类似,Notion集笔记、知识库和任务管理等功能于一体。与Notion对比,「Range」较为独特的点体现在主屏幕的显示内容上,其顶部不是常规的OKR或数据中心。而是一个问题区,每天陈列一个向团队成员提出的新问题。设计团队希望以此快速促进团队成员的关系,而常规的办公协作软件通常无法启用这样活泼的方式拉近成员间的距离。 创始团队来自Google,Medium等科技公司,其中,创始人Dan Pupius是Medium的前工程主管。团队利用人脉网络发展了早期B端客户,包括Twitter,Carta,Mozilla以及其资方General Catalyst。 创始人Pupius表示:“「Range」想要解决的问题是,为什么协作效率会随公司规模增长而变得越来越差。我们构建内部工具,并且看到了这种机会。我们的优势是实际帮助团队创建高效协作的社区式办公环境。” 来源:36氪
    General Catalyst
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