掌握不了这五门技术 你马上就会过时[摘要]企业将依赖数字营销、电商、客户体验管理、业务分析以及云业务提高公司表现。
分析公司Gartner 2014年CEO和高管调查显示,在今后五年内,CEO们在很大程度上依赖数字营销、电子商务、客户体验管理、业务分析以及云业务提高公司表现,它们有望成为CEO以及高管们眼中最具商业价值的投资技术领域。
这份报告名为“2014年CEO和高管调查:风险偏好将加速数字业务”(‘Risk-On’ Attitudes Will Accelerate Digital Business),由Gartner副总裁兼研究院士马克·拉斯金诺(Mark Raskino)执笔,为这些投资领域提供额外见解。去年的调查报告也是拉斯金诺联合执笔的。
下列图表则是Gartner副总裁、著名分析师蒂芙尼·博瓦(Tiffani Bova)发布的,可以让人轻松了解到2014年到2019年间最热门的技术投资领域。这幅图中显示,“以客户为中心”不再是一句口号,而是正成为必须实行的标准。
当你不找工作的时候,求职网站或应用又有何用处呢?这便是TheLadders当前正在解决的问题,该公司近日对其iOS版应用做出了更新,还推出了一项名为“就业市场指导”(Job Market Guide)的新功能。
TheLadders首席执行官亚历克斯·多泽特(Alex Douzet)告诉我,这两项举措只是TheLadders提出的新战略的第一步。TheLadders创立于2003年,最初的目标受众是寻找年薪超10万美元职务的人,近年来开始将业务重点扩大至更广泛的职业和收入类别。
与此同时,Job Market Guide预计将在下周正式发布,TheLadders今天推出的只是功能有限的“预览版”。Job Market Guide的想法是,聚合700多万TheLadders注册用户的所有数据,让他们可以掌握自己所选职业的最新信息。
TheLadders Revamps iPhone App To Focus On Job Referrals, Unveils Job Market Guide
What good is a job search site or app when you’re not looking for a job? That’s the issueTheLadders is tackling with the launch of a new version of its iOS app and a new feature that it calls the Job Market Guide.
CEO Alex Douzet told me that these are the first steps in a new direction for the company, which was founded in 2003. TheLadders was initially aimed at people looking for jobs that paid more than $100,000, before expanding its focus to a broader range of careers and salaries in recent years.
At this point, Douzet argued that the job search problem “has been mostly solved,” not just by TheLadders but by other sites like LinkedIn and Indeed. However, he said there’s still an opportunity to expand, because professionals usually only change jobs every three to four years. A site like TheLadders “is not really doing much for them in between” — something he’s hoping to change with these products, and with other ideas in the pipeline.
Let’s start with the updated app, which is launching today. Douzet pointed out that even if you’re not looking for a job, there’s a good chance you’re working on a team that needs to find good people fill open positions, or you may be able to help out a friend who’s trying to do the same. And while online job referrals aren’t a new idea, the app that Douzet and his team showed me yesterday offers a casual, convenient way to make those recommendations.
When you post a job opening in the app, you just enter a few basic details — your company, the title, the location, and a description, which can’t go longer than 200 words. The listing then shows up in the newsfeeds of your connections in the app, and those connections can recommend people in their network. If both the poster and the person being referred “like” the recommendation, then they can start chatting with each other in the app. (You can also recommend people who aren’t already members of TheLadders, who are then asked to download the app.)
The fact that TheLadders built this specifically for mobile could also be key. I’m no great connector, but even I can think of times when I was at an after-work event, or having dinner with a friend, and a job opening came up. I’d think, “Oh man, I know someone who’d be perfect for this” — then I’d have to make a note to myself to follow-up once I was at a computer again, which sometimes happened, and sometimes didn’t. By focusing on mobile, TheLadders allows you to take action right away in those situations.
The company will also continue to offer the existing job search features in the app, which launched last year. Douzet said added that the majority of TheLadders’ mobile usage is on iOS, so that’s where the focus is right now, but he acknowledged, “When we see the usage really, taking off, we will have to address Android” by introducing the new referral features to the existing Android app.
The Job Market Guide, meanwhile, is supposed to launch in full next week, but the company is releasing a more limited, “sneak preview” version today. The idea is to aggregate all the data from TheLadders’ 7 million-plus registered users and give people access to up-to-date information about their chosen professions.
For example, I looked up the data for writers in New York City, bringing up a page that includes the average salary, the current level of competitiveness, and a list of the “best” cities for that career (which is determined by a combination of salary, competitiveness, and cost-of-living). You can also see the kinds of skills needed for jobs in that profession and set up email alerts for changes and listings.
Douzet said TheLadders’ guide is unique because the data reflects what users are saying now, not what was reported in a study months or years ago, and it’s attuned to local differences — not just in salaries but also in the skills that employers are looking for, which can vary from city to city. He also argued that users on TheLadders have an incentive to be honest about their salaries, because that helps them to find relevant jobs: “If they lie about their current compensation, they find out very quickly that it’s not going to be useful for them.”
Asked if the data is skewed towards those high-income jobs that TheLadders started with, Douzet said the ratio between jobs paying less than versus more than $100,000 a year is now two-to-one. That may not be a perfect representation of the American workforce, but the company says the size and breadth of its user base is enough to make the data meaningful.
As far as longer term career planning, Douzet said TheLadders doesn’t try to tell you what kind of job you might have a decade from now, because careers don’t always follow an obvious, linear path: “There’s no product you can build that can predict in 5, 10 years where they should go.” However, the job profiles link to profiles for related jobs, so if you’re writer looking to become an editor, you can get a sense of how much additional experiences and what new skills you need.
大学毕业生招聘平台Tyba 再获3100万美元融资
Tyba是一家致力于让科技创业公司这样的企业更加有效地招聘大学毕业生的“新人招聘市场”,该公司去年曾完成了由Sunstone Capital 领投的总额为1300万美元的一轮融资。如今他们再次融资3100万美元,投资的还是Sunstone Capital,还有一家新投资方加入——风险投资基金Impulse,隶属于全球第七大主权财富基金科威特投资局(Kuwaiti Investment Authority)。
Tyba 的理念在于用户在该平台上提供的大量职业信息可以让招聘者和求职者之间实现更加精确的匹配。目前,欧洲14个城市的500多家创业公司使用这一平台寻找大学毕业生候选员工,Tyba 希望这一数字能够增加到1000。
其竞争对手包括Collegefeed,一家将众包和社交相结合的服务,在学生和其他学生以及潜在雇主之间建立联系。Collegefeed已获180万美元融资,投资者包括Accel Partners。另一家竞争对手Graduateland 则试图打造一个基于全球各大院校的大型招聘网络。
Tyba 的三位创始人埃索·康德(Eiso Kant),佐治·施努拉(Jorge Schnura)以及菲利普·冯(Philip von)于2011年在马德里创办了这家公司,目前已有28名员工。
Tyba– a “junior recruitment market” aimed at allowing companies like tech startups to more efficiently hire university and college graduates – last year raised $1.3 million in an investment round led by Sunstone Capital. It’s now raised another $3.1 million, once again from Sunstone Capital and a new investor, the VC fund Impulse, which is part of the Kuwaiti Investment Authority (KIA), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund.
Tyba’s idea is that the large amounts of professional information that users provide on the platform allows for a more accurate matching of hirers and prospects. Currently, over 500 startups in 14 different European cities use its platform to target graduate candidates and it hopes to increase that to 1,000.
New young recruits are offered the ability to showcase themselves beyond ordinary web profiles or their CV. Then recruiters filter the information around ‘soft-skills’ and the interests of the graduates.
Its competitors include Collegefeed, a service that combines crowdsourcing with social networking to connect students with each other and potential employers. Collegefeed has raised $1.8 million from investors including Accel Partners. Another, Graduateland, is trying to create a large recruitment network based on international universities.
Tyba founders Eiso Kant, Jorge Schnura and Philip von created the company in Madrid in 2011 and it now has 28 staff.