• 职业道路
    必读:全球CHRO演变趋势,新一代HR领袖的必经之路 Josh Bersin 最新研究揭示 CHRO 成长轨迹与未来挑战!近年来,首席人力资源官(CHRO) 这一角色正在经历前所未有的变革。最新发布的 《Understanding the Path to CHRO》 报告(点击可以下载报告,同时附录在文章后),基于对 20,000 多名 CHRO 的数据分析,深入研究了 CHRO 的成长路径、核心能力及全球 HR 领导者如何适应企业需求的变化。 该研究揭示了HR 从传统行政职能向战略核心的转型趋势,同时发现: 75% 的 CHRO 来自外部招聘,内部继任计划严重不足。 CHRO 逐步迈入 C-suite,13% 进入企业最高薪酬前五名,相比 30 年前增长 26 倍。 四类 CHRO 发展路径浮出水面:职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)、企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)、业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)、运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)。 具备国际化经验的 CHRO 绩效更高,75% 的高绩效 CHRO 曾在海外工作。 政治学、经济学背景的 CHRO 更具影响力,而 HR 专业背景反而在高绩效公司中占比最低。 从这些数据来看,CHRO 角色不再是简单的人才管理者,而是企业变革的推动者、业务战略的支持者、AI 与科技革新的领导者。那么,中国的 HR 领导者如何才能成长为具备全球视野的 CHRO?本文将从CHRO 角色的转型趋势、职业路径、核心能力模型及中国 HR 的成长路径四个方面展开分析。 报告下载地址:https://www.hrtechchina.com/Resources/59250FA4-A800-58D9-5CE6-76E4DBC4F82A.html 🔹 CHRO 的转型趋势:从 HR 负责人到企业变革领导者 传统 HR 主要聚焦于招聘、薪酬管理、劳动合规等事务性工作,过去常被视为“后勤支持”部门。然而,随着 全球劳动力市场变化、AI 赋能 HR、企业运营模式调整,CHRO 的角色发生了深刻变化: 1️⃣ CHRO 从 HR 服务交付者转变为业务战略伙伴过去 HR 被认为是支持职能,而今天,CHRO 需要直接参与企业战略决策,关注人才如何驱动业务增长。例如,疫情后全球远程办公兴起,CHRO 需要设计全新的组织架构、推动员工体验升级、调整绩效激励模式,以适应新的工作模式。 2️⃣ AI 与数字化重塑 HR 角色AI 和 HR Tech(人力资源科技)正在改变 HR 的运作方式。CHRO 不仅需要理解 AI 招聘、数据驱动绩效管理、智能学习平台,还要在组织中推动这些技术的应用。例如,采用 AI 进行人才画像分析、通过自动化面试减少招聘成本、利用数据分析优化员工保留率。 3️⃣ 全球化人才流动与多元化管理企业越来越依赖国际市场,CHRO 需要具备 跨文化管理、远程团队领导、国际雇佣合规 的能力。报告发现,在高绩效公司中,75% 的 CHRO 具备国际工作经验,这说明全球视野已成为 HR 领导者不可或缺的竞争力。 🔹 四类 CHRO 发展路径:你属于哪一类? 研究报告将 CHRO 的职业路径划分为 四种主要类型,每种路径各有优势和挑战: 1️⃣ 职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)——最常见的路径 通过在不同公司担任 HR 领导职务不断晋升,占比 73%。 优势:具备跨行业 HR 经验,能从外部引入最佳实践,拥有更广阔的专业网络。 挑战:对新公司的文化和业务理解较浅,缺乏长期稳定的 C-suite 关系。 2️⃣ 企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)——公司内部晋升 在同一公司内部从 HR 经理逐步晋升为 CHRO,占比 17%。 优势:深谙企业文化和业务流程,与内部管理层关系紧密。 挑战:缺乏外部视角,可能难以推动 HR 变革和创新。 3️⃣ 业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)——来自业务部门 从 销售、运营、市场等业务部门 转型进入 HR,占比 8%。 优势:更能理解业务需求,与 C-suite 关系更紧密,推动 HR 战略落地能力强。 挑战:缺乏 HR 专业知识,需要依赖强大的 HR 团队支持。 4️⃣ 运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)——来自行政管理 从 财务、法务、风控、合规等行政职能 转型进入 HR,占比 2%。 优势:擅长数据分析、预算管理、企业治理。 挑战:缺乏人才管理经验,对 HR 战略落地理解较弱。 🔹 如何成长为全球化的 CHRO?给中国 HR 领导者的建议 📍 1. 强化战略思维,进入 C-suite 视角 了解公司商业模式、行业竞争、市场趋势,与 CEO 和 CFO 讨论人才如何助力业务增长。 研究 企业并购、组织架构调整、数字化转型,提升 HR 的商业价值。 📍 2. 发展跨职能经验,打造“全栈”HR 能力 轮岗至 业务、销售、运营、财务 等部门,培养业务敏锐度。 研究 AI 招聘、人才数据分析、HR Tech 应用,提升 HR 战略能力。 📍 3. 获取国际化经验,拓展全球视野 参与国际 HR 项目或申请外派,提升跨文化管理能力。 研究欧美和东南亚 HR 模式,吸收多元化管理经验。 📍 4. 选择合适的职业路径,提前规划 CHRO 之路 喜欢跳槽挑战不同公司?选择 职业型 CHRO 之路。 想在一家企业长期发展?适合 企业型 CHRO。 具备销售、运营经验?可向 业务型 CHRO 发展。 具备财务、合规经验?适合 运营型 CHRO 之路。 📍 5. 建立行业人脉,参与高端 HR 领导者社区 参加 全球 CHRO 论坛、HR 领导力发展计划,与行业顶级 HR 领袖交流。 申请 CHRO 发展课程或职业认证,提升影响力和专业度。 未来 CHRO 必须成为“HR 版 CEO” HR 不再只是“管理人”的角色,而是“管理未来”的领导者。无论是战略思维、科技应用、全球视野,还是跨职能经验,中国 HR 领导者想要进入全球 CHRO 赛道,就必须不断突破边界、提升自我,最终成为企业变革的核心驱动力!
  • 职业道路
    【观点】为员工创造引人注目的职业道路的四大建议! 为员工创造引人注目的职业道路需要了解的内容: 归根结底,职业道路是将员工从低级职位带到渐进式新角色的路线 保留是您应该提供人们想要的职业道路的主要原因,但远不止于此 如果您的公司没有明确的前进道路,您将错过吸引顶尖人才的机会。 提供引人入胜的职业道路可以让员工在工作中产生激励性的目标感 员工保留很重要,但也很复杂。让员工积极参与工作需要很多,从指导到发展机会,以及介于两者之间的很多事情。为了留住保持业务发展的人才,您可以将所有您想要的发展机会都交给他们。但是,如果这些发展和进步机会不能上升到人们真正想要的职业道路,那么这一切都是徒劳的。 没有一种固定的方法来定义职业道路。它们可以是短期的,长期的,理想情况下两者兼而有之。归根结底,职业道路是将员工从低级别职位带到渐进式新角色的路线。这些新角色最终使员工处于比他们开始时更高级的水平。高级可以意味着各种各样的事情。高级角色可以是高薪的角色。高级角色可以从个人贡献者过渡到经理,甚至可能转变为领导角色。它还可能需要从合同工过渡到雇员。 职业发展必须是引人注目的,它必须是一条人们想要走下去的前进道路。否则,会让员工处于死胡同的角色。 为什么引人注目的职业道路对公司很重要 投资引人注目的职业道路有几个原因,而不仅仅是保留。当然,保留是您应该提供人们想要的职业道路的主要原因。但事情远不止于此。 大多数人关心自己的职业生涯进步,对永远呆在一个职位上不感兴趣。如果您的公司没有明确的前进道路,您将错过吸引顶尖人才的机会。大多数人关心自己的职业生涯进步,对永远呆在一个职位上不感兴趣。 此外,提供引人入胜的职业道路可以让员工在工作中产生激励性的目标感。即使他们正在从事一个他们现在并不熟悉的角色,如果他们真的有机会走出去,他们更有可能继续参与其中。 确保您的角色不断变化也会影响您的企业竞争优势。如果你不创造能够响应现代世界和市场的新角色,你就会落后。当你设计新的角色来填补时,为什么不让他们用那些已经了解你的公司的人来填补呢? 引人注目的职业道路始于组织结构和规划 您要做的最后一件事是创建新角色,只是为了为您的员工创建新角色以晋升。这些新角色必须与当前或未来的业务需求相关联。首先要从组织结构图开始。如果您已经有一个,请确保它是最新的。这里的想法是,您应该拥有公司中所有角色的人才图谱。拥有此功能后,您可以将当前拥有的角色映射到将来随着业务增长所需的角色。 如果您将来要添加新产品或服务,您需要哪些新角色来执行这项工作?定义这些角色后,请查看您当前的组织结构。目前最有可能晋升到这些新角色的职位是什么?从那里,弄清楚如何为当前角色演变为新角色绘制路径。需要什么样的培训和技能提升来填补这些未来的角色?你将如何实现这一目标?与填补这些新角色相关的时间表是什么?您实际上是从您为公司计划的未来状态向后工作。 创建清晰的职位和描述 您需要做的不仅仅是定义要添加的未来角色。您需要为每个新角色构建完整的职位描述。涵盖从必要的经验和教育到您希望从担任该角色的人那里看到的硬技能和软技能的所有内容。在执行此操作时,请考虑将公司当前和未来的角色分组到职业集群中。这有助于您识别彼此相关的工作,从而确定哪些可以进入其他更高级职位角色。 此外,您需要为较低级别的职位如何晋升到这些新的未来角色制定清晰的路线图。入门级员工需要什么才能晋升到这些新角色?需要多少时间?他们需要什么样的技能发展?中层角色呢?对职业集群中的所有角色执行此操作。 相应地制定并提供培训和发展计划 如果你已经在培训和职业发展上投入了大量资金,这将更像是对你已经拥有的东西的调整,而不是新的努力或大修整。但是,如果您没有您想要的那么强大的培训计划(或者根本没有),那么这是需要您努力的过程的一部分。 为了创造引人注目的职业道路,必须有一种方便的方式让您当前的员工晋升到未来的角色。这可能意味着他们需要某种形式的技能发展或培训。根据您未来角色的具体需求,这可能是内部培训或指导。但是创建这些系统需要时间和精力。如果这不是您内部能够解决的问题,则必须寻求外部资源。比如,聘请外部顾问,提供您的企业人员所需的培训。 您有责任为您的员工提供必要的资源,以提升您未来需要的角色。否则,您将被迫从外部招聘,而您当前的员工将发现自己处于死胡同的角色。 确保每位管理者都认真对待职业发展 创造引人注目的职业道路的核心要素之一是将员工的技能和兴趣与未来的角色相匹配。兴趣与技能一样重要(甚至可能更重要)。你可以教别人他们需要的技能,但你不能制造兴趣。 要确定员工的兴趣,您可能必须依靠他们的直接经理。他们是最了解您的员工的人。这就是为什么让每个经理都知道员工发展是认真的至关重要。每季度要求经理报告团队中人员的职业发展目标。这样,经理就有责任跟上其直接下属的职业发展。 期待他们推荐未来的职位,但不要仅仅依赖经理。并非所有的管理者都是伟大的管理者,即使他们看起来像是领导,所以要确保员工有其他方式来表达他们的兴趣。这是发挥创意的好机会!建立某种内部推荐或兴趣信号系统,员工可以在其中推荐自己或同事担任新角色。这一切都与您的业务和您独特的员工群有关。 如果您真的坚持弄清楚员工的兴趣,请尝试员工敬业度调查。跟踪现在点亮它们的内容,以及没有点亮它们的内容。这样,您可以在开始启动整个过程的组织结构图工作时牢记员工的利益。 文章来源:https://www.zenefits.com
  • 职业道路
    【美国】针对年轻人的职业发展平台Urban Alliance获得1000万美元的投资 将年轻人与带薪实习、劳动力培训和职业道路联系起来的全国性非营利组织Urban Alliance获得了慈善家麦肯齐·斯科特(MacKenzie Scott)的1000万美元投资。这是该组织25年历史上最大的一次性贡献。 "我们对这一历史性的变革性投资感到无比兴奋,"Urban Alliance首席执行官伊丽莎白-林赛(Elizabeth Lindsey)说,"有了这笔资金,Urban Alliance将发展壮大,接触到更多成千上万的年轻人,主要是来自有色人种社区的年轻人,让他们获得公平的机会,使他们走上经济发展的道路。我非常感谢慈善家麦肯锡-斯科特对Urban Alliance改变生活的工作的认可,以及她的创新和有远见的捐赠,继续为更大的利益而改变非营利机构的格局。" Urban Alliance因拥有25年独特而宝贵的经验而在大华盛顿地区、巴尔的摩、芝加哥和底特律的几个行业中为有色人种的年轻成年人创造成功和支持性的实习经验而得到全国认可。有了这笔投资,Urban Alliance将扩大到第五个城市,在高增长行业建立其职业途径实习,并继续改善该组织的能力和基础设施。 自1996年以来,Urban Alliance已经为6000多名年轻人提供了带薪实习机会,并为23000多人提供了劳动力培训和职业发展。通过其旗舰的高中实习计划,Urban Alliance每年为大约500名学生联系到大华盛顿特区、巴尔的摩、芝加哥和底特律地区的200多家雇主的带薪实习经历。在一年的时间里,一个高中生可以获得500小时的带薪工作经验,并接受100小时的技能培训、职业发展和指导。百分之百的UA实习生从高中毕业时有一个高中后的计划,88%的学生计划上大学。参加国家随机控制试验(RCT)的结果表明,UA的项目对年轻人有很大的积极影响。只有2%的非营利组织曾经进行过RCT,一般被认为是项目评估的黄金标准。
  • 职业道路
    如何为人力分析专业人士创造职业道路-How to create career paths for people analytics professionals(续) 文/David Green 文章导读 往期回顾: Geetanjali在2017年9月在费城举行的人力分析与未来工作会议上发言要点回顾: MERCK&CO.的人力分析团队 这个团队由三支柱组成:咨询、高级分析、报告和数据可视化 创建一个数据驱动的文化:高层领导的支持对于人员分析功能的成功至关重要 在人力分析中创造职业道路:一个能够提供发展和职业发展的组织和领导者,可以成为吸引和留住人才的关键因素。 三“C”模式:Capability-Capacity-Connectivity 今日导读: 领导人员分析团队 问7、在谈到你作为一个人分析领导者的角色时,你会对这个角色的新手或者将来想成为一个人分析负责人的人提出什么建议呢? 分享五个我认为普遍适用的特性,并且对于成为这个领域的有效领导者很重要。 优先考虑:对于人员分析领导者来说,学习如何无情地优先考虑团队将花费时间和精力的项目是至关重要的。 位置: 一个好的领导者知道如何找到合适的机会去重新定位、结合和展示这项工作。这不仅对获得声望和对人员分析的认可很重要,而且对提升团队的士气也很重要。 连接: 当你建立起新的职业联系时,你也开始建立友谊,这是一个支持网络,可以帮助你在这个相当模糊的、新的人力分析空间中导航。 与时俱进:作为一个优秀的人员分析领导者,重要的一点是要跟上外部变化的步伐,并将这种学习带回您的业务中 发展:一个有效的领导者需要投入时间和精力来建立自己的内部和外部网络,并与他们的团队分享他们的进 问8、我观察到的一个挑战是,作为一个人分析的领导者,你必须平衡在内部构建能力的重大挑战,同时关注在外部快速发展的领域。作为一名分析人士的领导者,你如何平衡这两个优先事项,以及你如何了解公司外部发生的事情? 尽可能多地阅读各种不同的出版物(博客、文章、白皮书、书籍),这些内容让我与人力分析的各个方面:从社会科学到人工智能都保持联系。 此外,与来自不同行业的其他从业者建立联系很有帮助,我通过非正式的和正式的对等网络进行联系。 最后,我试着每年参加一些活动来学习新的东西和认识新的人。   人力分析的未来 问9、你认为人力分析的主要趋势是什么? 我认为人力分析中的一些“热点领域”将在未来继续变得“更热”。 我还认为,随着研究的增长和越来越多的组织对这一领域的投资,网络的力量将得到充分的挖掘和释放。 最后,要实现所有这些类型的分析,最重要的领域之一将是关于数据使用、隐私和人员分析领域的安全性的伦理研究。   问10、我们如何平衡我们能做什么以及我们应该做什么? 谈谈你对道德和隐私等方面的关注。 过度反应或倾向于采用过于保守的方法,这可能会妨碍人员分析领域的一些重要工作。 话虽如此,与适当的实践专家密切合作,就业法律、隐私法律、伦理、通信、业务合作,和工人委员会合作是一个很好的方式,以确保除了工作的合法性。 另一种从道德角度是预先与内部客户分享你分析的可能结果,并向他们清楚地说明在每个场景中他们将采取什么行动。 在人力分析领域工作类型需要把伦理放在最重要的日程上 英文原文: LEADING THE PEOPLE ANALYTICS TEAM 7. Turning towards your role as a People Analytics Leader, what would your advice be to someone who is new to this role or who aspires to be a Head of People Analytics in the future? I think everyone has different strengths and experiences, which means their approach will vary with regards to them proving successful as a people analytics leader. But based on my personal experiences and observations of others, I can share five attributes that I think apply universally and are important to being an effective leader in this space. Prioritise: Whether you have a small or large people analytics team, it will never be big enough to meet all the demands of your clients, particularly as awareness of the team’s capabilities grow. So, it is critical for the people analytics leader to learn (and teach!) how to relentlessly prioritise the projects on which the team will spend its time and effort. A good rule of thumb is to think about the magnitude of business impact that an analysis has the potential to deliver, or a key relationship that it can help build in the business for future collaborations and sponsorship. Many teams even use formal prioritisation grids to help the process, but ultimately the leader needs to ensure that the criteria used to allocate resources to projects aligns with the vision and mission of the people analytics team (which in turn, should align with the objectives of the enterprise). It is critical for the people analytics leader to learn (and teach!) how to relentlessly prioritise the projects on which the team will spend its time and effort. Position: A critical skill for a people analytics leader is the ability to effectively position analyses before the right decision-makers at the right time to maximise positive outcomes and build a strong people analytics brand. This is probably one of, if not the most, important part of being a people analytics leader. On many occasions, brilliant workforce analyses have been underutilised in their original scope, but a good leader knows how to find the right opportunities to repurpose, combine and present this work. This is not only important in gaining prestige and recognition for people analytics, but also for boosting the morale of the team. Connect:  There is a small, but growing, community of people analytics leaders globally who collectively have a spectacular amount of experience and knowledge. Fortunately, this community is inclusive and generous, in terms of sharing their knowledge and connections with others in the field. The group is a great resource to learn about new technologies, techniques, vendors, and also receive tips and tricks that can help a new leader to avoid mistakes and grab the right opportunities. Most importantly, as you build new professional connections you also begin building friendships that are a support network to help you navigate this fairly ambiguous, new(ish) space of people analytics. Evolve: Since a people analytics leader needs to have some depth in analytical methods, it is always a good idea to read, listen and learn. Thanks to social media there are amazing resources available, many of them free, that any analytics leader can and should leverage to keep oneself updated and evolving. There are some extremely prolific writers (like David Green!) who share both original and curated content on various forums including LinkedIn. Whether you are looking for detailed tutorials on advanced data science methods or want to learn about the latest technological breakthrough and its application to people data, there is a publication, podcast, or video out there on it. Another reason why this mind set of curiosity and awareness is important is because the people analytics space is sensitive primarily due to ethics and privacy reasons; and keeping a handle on that also demands a leader who keeps their eyes and ears open. An important part of being a strong people analytics leader is to keep up with the pace of change externally and bring that learning back to your business. An important part of being a strong people analytics leader is to keep up with the pace of change externally and bring that learning back to your business Develop:  Last, but certainly not the least, a critical part of being a good people analytics leader is simply being a good leader. This implies being someone who invests in the development of their team. It is of particular importance because it is a space that has attracted a lot of exceptional talent, but still has somewhat limited opportunities for advancement. Therefore, an effective leader needs to invest time and effort in building their own internal and external network; and share it with their teams for their advancement. They should also be committed to actively finding or creating opportunities for their team members to learn new skills and develop themselves as multi-faceted professionals. An effective leader needs to invest time and effort in building their own internal and external network; and share it with their teams for their advancement 8. One of the challenges I’ve observed in being a people analytics leader is that you have to balance the significant challenge of building capability internally whilst keeping an eye externally on what is a fast-developing field. As a people analytics leader, how do you juggle these two priorities, and how do you keep abreast of what is happening outside the organisation?  I strive to practice the same behaviours that I would advise new people analytics leaders to try. For example, I follow and subscribe to content by certain thought leaders in people analytics and read as many varied publications as possible (blogs, articles, whitepapers, books) which keep me connected to the different aspects of people analytics; from social science to artificial intelligence. In addition, it really helps to connect with other practitioners in the field from different industries, which I do via both informal and formal peer networks. This helps to broaden one’s worldview, spark new ideas, and offers a forum to ask questions of your peers. Most likely, if you are facing a people analytics quandary, there is a leader out there who has faced it too and would be willing to share their experience. Finally, there are a plethora of great conference events out there, and the quality and number of these keeps rising every year. I try to participate in at least a few such events every year to learn new things and meet new people. THE FUTURE OF PEOPLE ANALYTICS 9. What do you believe will be the main trends moving forward in people analytics?  I think that a number of “hot areas” in people analytics will continue to get “hotter” in the future. The idea of employee experience will grow even wider with focus on the end-to-end experience all the way from being a prospective candidate stage to becoming an alumni of the company. This is likely to grow simultaneously with the focus on managing and optimising a new, fluid workforce that may at any one time be full-time and freelance, human and robotic. I also think that the power of networks will be fully explored and unleashed as research grows and more organisations invest in this space. The applications of network analysis are so varied and relevant, that it should continue to gather steam in the future. Finally, from my perspective to enable all these types of analyses, one of the most critical areas that will grow in importance will be the study of ethics relating to data use, privacy and security in the space of people analytics. 10. Finally, how do we balance what we can do with what we should do? How concerned are you about areas such as ethics and privacy? This is a great question, and a difficult one to answer. The frontiers of what is possible are being pushed at a break-neck speed thanks to ever larger datasets being at our disposal faster, and at cheaper cost. And that pace makes it tough to process the implications in real time. In fact, this often leads to an overreaction or the inclination to adopt an overly conservative approach that can hamper some great work in the people analytics space. That being said, I believe that an extremely important fact to understand about the space we work in is that we should not do something just because it is possible. Besides being legally compliant, the type of work being undertaken in this field needs to put ethics at the very top of the agenda even before beginning work on an analysis. Working closely with the appropriate experts in the practices of employment law, privacy law, ethics, communications, business partners and workers councils is a good way to ensure that besides the legality of the work, its potential impact on people is also being considered through the lens of ethics, privacy, and empathy.  Most established organisations have extensive reviews involving these types of stakeholders already in place. Another way to pressure test the approach from an ethics lens is to share possible outcomes of an analysis with the internal clients beforehand and ask them to articulate what actions they would take in each scenario. Obviously, this method is not possible in every situation, but when applicable it can be a useful “stop and reflect” moment. The type of work being undertaken in the people analytics field needs to put ethics at the very top of the agenda
  • 职业道路
    如何为人力分析专业人士创造职业道路-How to create career paths for people analytics professionals 文/David Green 文章导读 根据德勤于2017年11月发布的“高影响力人力分析研究”(High-Impact People Analytics study), 69%的大型机构(10,000多名员工)现在拥有一个“人力分析团队”。 Geetanjali Gamel在旧金山举行的“人民分析与未来工作会议”(People Analytics & Future of Work Conference)上的演讲这个话题。Geetanjali是默克公司劳动力分析的全球领导者。在2017年9月在费城举行的人民分析与未来工作会议上发言。 为什么要人力分析? 问1、你好,Geetanjali,请解释一下吸引你到人力分析领域的原因。 我工作中最有趣的部分是理解、测量和预测人类行为及其对销售和收入等业务结果的影响。因此,我很自然地被这个机会所吸引,这个机会将科学的方法引入到人们的数据中,并帮助塑造一个组织如何为其投资者带来价值,同时为其员工带来更丰富的经验。 MERCK & CO.的人力分析团队 问2、请您描述一下默克公司的劳动力分析团队的规模和结构,以及它是如何与业务联系起来的。 默克的劳动力分析团队(WFA)拥有15名成员,在全球80多个市场,69000名员工。 这个团队由三个主要支柱组成:咨询、高级分析、报告和数据可视化。 咨询——每个咨询师都与我们的业务部门(如制造、研究、销售等)保持一致。他们与领导者紧密合作,以理解和预见棘手的业务问题,并运用正确的方法解决问题,将分析转化为可操作的观点。 高级分析——高级分析团队是一群灵活的数据科学家和专业人士,他们主要专注于需要高级技术技能或很有意义的项目。它们围绕业务问题进行组织。 报告和数据可视化——他们直接与来自业务各个部门的内部客户合作,以确保合适的人在合适的时间拥有合适的数据。驱动了内部客户满意度。 三个WFA团队紧密合作,以确保识别和利用业务活动之间的协同作用。 创建一个数据驱动的文化 问3、德勤(Deloitte)的“高影响力人物分析”(High-Impact People Analytics)研究发现,在创造高级能力方面,最重要的因素是需要创建数据驱动的文化。你在默克公司是如何做到这一点的? 我们首先在人力资源社区中推广数据,推出了一个基于云的劳动力分析平台。我们还开发和部署了一个能力构建程序,其中的模块主要集中在度量选择、假设测试、数据可视化、推荐开发等方面。 此外,我们一直在利用的另一个渠道,加速人力资源数据驱动文化,是让我们更广泛的人力资源社区的成员成为分析“冠军”。 最后,我们还建立了一个人力资源领导团队,在人力资源中传达建筑数据和分析能力的信息。 高层领导的支持对于人员分析功能的成功至关重要 在人力分析中创造职业道路 问4、您对为人力分析专业人员创建职业发展道路充满热情。 为什么你认为这是如此重要? 我热衷于为那些使人力分析成为可能的人们建立更好的工作体验! 我发现这个团队能够为职业道路,继任计划和大型员工的人才流动等领域做出决策,但经常陷入无处可扩展的境地。 此外,大多数人分析团队都是人力资源部门的一员,而且往往被贴上高度专业化的“人力资源精英”卓越中心(CoE)的标签,这限制了横向或向上进入CoEs或业务部门的其他人力资源角色的机会。 最后,一个能够提供发展和职业发展的组织和领导者,可以成为吸引和留住优秀人才的关键因素。 如果我们能让更多人力分析人才流动起来,就会为人力资源和企业的其他部门增加技能、方法和拓宽视角,为企业创造额外的价值。  一个能够提供发展和职业发展的组织和领导者,可以成为吸引和留住优秀人才的关键因素 问5、关于人才分析团队的职业发展,你在默克制定了什么计划?关于人才分析团队的职业发展,你在默克制定了什么计划? 从我在默克公司工作的第一天起,我的首要任务之一就是了解我的团队的力量和抱负,并将他们的发展与他们的职业目标结合起来。我得出了一个Capability-Capacity-Connectivity模型,为我们的人员分析团队提供一个可持续发展项目。这种模式成功的一个关键驱动力是你的领导的支持和与其他团队的合作。 问6、职业发展计划的主要好处和收获是什么? “3C”方法是围绕解决障碍和为人学分析团队创建促进职业发展的桥梁而构建的。 第一个“C”:能力,能力必须在两个级别上处理。 能力级别1:构建数据、技术和分析精明的客户 能力级别2:提升人员分析团队 第二个“C”:Capacity容纳度 如果没有时间远离日常的活动,就不可能专注于一个人职业生涯的下一步 第三个“C”:连接 将人员分析团队与其他人力资源,数据科学,技术和业务专业人员联系起来,建立对双方不同类型工作的认识和相互欣赏。 英文原文: According to Bersin by Deloitte’s High-Impact People Analytics study, which was published in November 2017, 69% of large organisations (10,000+ employees) now have a people analytics team. It is a surprise then that many organisations overlook the need to develop the careers of their people analytics team. Given the pace of evolution of the field and the high-demand for talent in the space, this is an oversight that needs correction. As such, it was refreshing that the main focus of Geetanjali Gamel’s presentation earlier this year at the People Analytics & Future of Work Conference in San Francisco (see key learnings here) was on this very topic. Geetanjali is the global leader of workforce analytics at Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE: MRK, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada). I caught up with Geetanjali recently to ask how she has created career development paths for her team as well as discuss other related topics in the people analytics field. Geetanjali Gamel speaking at the People Analytics & Future of Work Conference in Philadelphia in September 2017 WHY PEOPLE ANALYTICS? 1. Hi Geetanjali, please can you introduce yourself, describe your background and explain what attracted you to the people analytics space. Like many of my colleagues in people analytics, I’ve had a non-linear path to my current role. I am a trained economist and began my career in research at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis studying topics like macroeconomic forecasting, unemployment and inflation.  With this foundation in social science methodology and research, I soon transitioned to business forecasting, predictive analysis and scenario-planning to drive customer growth and revenue projections in corporate planning and finance departments in the energy sector. The most intriguing part of my work was in understanding, measuring and predicting human behaviour and its impact on business outcomes such as sales and revenue. So, I was naturally attracted by the opportunity to bring scientific methodology to people data and help shape how an organisation can drive value for its investors along with enhanced experience for its employees. I began by building a predictive analytics function from scratch in HR in my previous role at Mastercard and since 2016 I have led the advanced workforce analytics, consulting and reporting organisation in Merck HR. THE PEOPLE ANALYTICS TEAM AT MERCK & CO. 2. Please can you describe the size and structure of the workforce analytics team at Merck and how it aligns to the business Merck’s workforce analytics team (WFA) has 15 members who support 69,000 employees in over 80 markets worldwide through a rich portfolio of people analytics products. The team consists of three primary pillars; Consulting, Advanced Analytics, and Reporting & Data Visualisation (see Figure 1 below). Figure 1: The Workforce Analytics team at Merck & Co (Source: Geetanjali Gamel) Consulting - Each consultant is aligned to one of our business divisions like manufacturing, research, sales, etc. They work closely with leaders to understand and anticipate burning business questions, utilise the right methodology to find the answers; and convert the analyses into actionable insights. Advanced Analytics - The advanced analytics team is a nimble group of data scientists and specialised professionals who focus mainly on ad hoc projects requiring advanced technical skills and/or initiatives of enterprise level significance. They are organised around business questions and may support several divisions at a time, in contrast to the end-to-end approach that the consultants take with each initiative. Reporting & Data Visualisation – This team forms the backbone of all the amazing work we are able to do, as well as the internal customer satisfaction we drive. They work directly with internal clients from all parts of the business to ensure that the right people have the right data at the right time. The three WFA teams work closely with each other to ensure that any synergies between business initiatives are identified and leveraged. CREATING A DATA-DRIVEN CULTURE 3. The recent Bersin by Deloitte High-Impact People Analytics study found that the single biggest predictor in creating advanced capability is the need to create a data-driven culture. How have you achieved this at Merck particularly with regards to HR Business Partners and the wider HR function? I agree that culture can be the strongest catalyst or impediment for people analytics. It is also ridiculously difficult to identify and alter, particularly because organisations at any given time tend to be collections of sub-cultures. But there are some patterns of behaviours, decision-making, and incentive-rewards, which distinguish data driven cultures from others. These behaviours can be purposefully incubated through a combination of upskilling, training and mind-set building. At Merck, we believe that a leading HR function is one where analytics capability is not only for the analytics team, but the whole HR team. This does not imply that every role requires equal depth in analytics, but a new baseline of data interpretation and communication skills is critical to being effective partners to the business. To this end, we started out by democratising data within our HR community by rolling out a cloud based workforce analytics platform. This is helping us drive greater familiarity and reliance on data among our HR users. We have also developed and deployed a capability-building program with modules focused on metric selection, hypothesis testing, data visualisation, recommendation development, and more. Another channel that we have been leveraging to accelerate a data driven culture in HR has been to engage members of our wider HR community as analytics “Champions”. These superheroes are critical to spreading the adoption of data informed insights, since they live and breathe the daily challenges of their colleagues; and can share relatable examples with their counterparts on how data can unlock value. Finally, we also have an HR leadership team that is aligned and strong advocates in relaying the message of building data and analytics capability in HR. Needless to say, sponsorship of senior leaders is imperative to the success of a people analytics function. Sponsorship of senior leaders is imperative to the success of a people analytics function CREATING CAREER PATHS IN PEOPLE ANALYTICS 4. You are passionate on the need to create career paths for people analytics professionals. Why do you believe this is so important? I firmly believe that the goal of people analytics is to drive value for the business as well as provide a better experience of work for employees. So naturally, I am equally passionate about building a better work experience for the people who make people analytics possible! I find a sad irony in the fact that the team which enables decision-making on areas like career pathing, succession planning, and talent movement for the larger workforce, is often stuck in a position of having nowhere to grow. From my discussions with many colleagues in this field, I have learned that the typical people analytics team usually tends to have a group of individual contributors (analysts, data scientists, consultants) and a director or senior director level leader. This leaves only one spot for the entire team to aspire to, at least for upward movement. In addition, most people analytics teams sit within HR and tend to be branded as a highly-specialised “HR-lite” centre of excellence (CoE), which limits the opportunities to move laterally or upward into other HR roles in CoEs or business units. And this reality of being “boxed-in” can be very frustrating for bright, highly-employable individuals. If you are a leader in people analytics, and if you have had to recently recruit new talent for your team, I would guess you are acutely aware of the gaping chasm between talent demand and supply in this field. In my opinion, an organisation and a leader who can offer development and career growth can be a key differentiator in attracting and retaining the best people analytics talent. Broadening that vision, if we enabled more fluid movement of people analytics talent, it would add to the diversity of skills, approaches and perspectives to other parts of HR and the business, and would create additional value for the enterprise. An organisation and a leader who can offer development and career growth can be a key differentiator in attracting and retaining the best people analytics talent 5. What program have you put into place at Merck regarding the career development of the people analytics team? From the first day of my role at Merck, one of my top priorities was to understand the strengths and aspirations of my team and align their development to meet their career goals. After multiple discussions and numerous iterations on ideas, I arrived at a Capability-Capacity-Connectivity model to power a sustainable development program for our people analytics team. The underlying idea is that if we can build the right capability within the analytics team and its clients; reallocate capacity that is being consumed by suboptimal tasks; and drive connectivity between people analytics teams and other parts of the business; then we can potentially discover and create new career paths and opportunities. But please bear in mind that a key driver of success for such a model is sponsorship from your leaders and partnership with other teams. In our case, we were fortunate to have both. This has empowered us to be inventive and co-create development opportunities for our team.   6. Please can you provide more detail on what comprises each of the Capability, Capacity and Connectivity elements of this approach. What have been the key benefits and learnings from the career development program?  The “3C” approach is built around tackling barriers and creating bridges that promote career development for people analytics teams. At the outset we knew that the team was faced with a high volume of requests needing significant manual effort. (see Figure 2 below): Figure 2: Challenges in accelerating maturity in people analytics (Source: Geetanjali Gamel) Since the day-to-day work was time and effort intensive, there was not much room to hone more sophisticated skills or build knowledge sharing relationships with others, leaving the people analytics team stuck in a loop. So, we put careful thought and purpose into adopting the following model. Capability The first “C”, or capability, had to be addressed at two levels. The first was to empower our broader HR team with the right tools and training to have greater autonomy to perform analyses. We moved to an intuitive analytics platform and organised workshops, office hours, and learning sessions to improve data literacy among our internal HR clients. This type of effort is important to free-up time for the people analytics team to build their own skillset (and path to growth), while also creating a greater awareness in other parts of HR about analytics. Figure 3: Capability - Level 1: building data, technology and analytics savvy clients (Source: Geetanjali Gamel) The second area of capability building had a more direct impact on the team. We held a team strategy session where we identified areas that needed focus for internal functional, technical and strategic competency building. These focus areas were carefully selected to create dual impact – provide us with a skill or knowledge we could use immediately in our work; and more importantly, help us practice a new behaviour that would develop us as well-rounded professionals. For example, on the technical side, we organised an in-house R-training curriculum, created and delivered by some of our own colleagues to the rest of the team. This helped us build a technical skill we could immediately put to use to do better work, and also built coaching and confidence skills for those who led the program. Another great example was of an external guest speaker series that we launched, which brought recognition to the team for bringing new insights to the company, and also helped the team gain experience in organising an event successfully end-to-end. Figure 4: Capability - Level 2: Upskilling the people analytics team (Source: Geetanjali Gamel) Capacity At first, capacity building measures may not sound like a natural fit with developing career paths. But it is impossible to focus on the next steps in one’s career if there is no time to step away from the daily barrage of activity to have a conversation; listen to a webinar; learn about a new project; or simply, chat with colleagues over lunch. As such creating capacity for the team is critical to allow them to develop their skillset to be more widely applicable, as well as to build the networks they need to find new opportunities. As mentioned before, our journey began with democratising data and providing a range of workforce metrics and even results of our enterprise voice survey in accessible cloud platforms to our HR community. We continue to supplement our efforts to empower our internal clients, and in the process unlock capacity for our team, by forming global communities of practice for analytics. Another effort to scale our analytics delivery and save precious time has been by finding opportunities to utilise process automation on repeatable tasks. It is impossible to focus on the next steps in one’s career if there is no time to step away from the daily barrage of activity Connectivity Despite efforts in building capability and reallocating capacity, there can’t be much career development if there is nowhere to go! This is when the third “C” of connectivity comes into play. In fact, it could just as easily be C for creativity, because we need a great deal of innovative thinking and risk taking to create opportunities where they don’t always exist. We started with small yet effective steps rather than trying to construct huge, formal programs. Connecting the people analytics team with other HR, data science, technology, and business professionals builds an awareness and appreciation for different types of work on both sides. We leveraged opportunities to co-create part-time assignments with other teams, participate in cross functional events, invite guest speakers to team meetings, and collaborate on projects to expose the team to other areas of analytical work. Connecting the people analytics team with other HR, data science, technology, and business professionals builds an awareness and appreciation for different types of work on both sides To create development assignments for the people analytics team we were creative and went with “quasi-experiments”. The first was an opportunity for a team member to take on the role of an HR business partner on a part-time basis for a few, smaller client groups. This gave the individual an opportunity to apply their analytical skillset to the role and get much greater exposure than before to business clients and business issues. Such an experiment has a multiplier effect. Where typically a business partner track is not easily available to a people analytics professional, creating such an opportunity internally can open up a new career path. Moreover, even if the individual does not end up pursuing this new career direction at the end of the experiment, it is still a valuable learning experience for them to be in the shoes of their internal client, i.e., the HR business partner. Finally, it may help to lay the foundation for what I like to call the HRBP 3.0 model. Where the original HRBP role had a heavy component of operational (and even transactional) work, the HRBP 2.0 model that many companies follow today aims at strategic business partners who enable key business decisions. The HRBP 3.0 model takes it a step further by envisioning an analytical HR business partner, who relies on both data driven insight and business acumen to support their client. Another “experiment” in creating new career opportunities was a mini-assignment we created for one of our people analytics team members to lead a large, remote team in the service delivery space. This was a completely different line of work from people analytics, and was heavily focused on operational and organisational skills like identifying and escalating issues on short deadlines, supplier relationship management, building relationships with a variety of HR and non HR stakeholders, and leading a service centre team to drive customer satisfaction. Clearly, this would not be a typical career path for a people analytics professional, but that is exactly why we need to be bold and creative with such experiments. This assignment not only exposed the individual to a different type and pace of work, but also gave them an opportunity to bring their analytical skills to the table to significantly elevate the usage and interpretation of transactional data. While many mature organisations have good-sized people analytics teams, there are still many where the teams are pretty lean. This model may work well for most purposes, but it usually limits the opportunities for team-members to have people management experience. This is not always necessary for upward mobility, but it many cases it is difficult to move upward without some kind of experience of leading a team. Keeping this in mind, we built more depth in our people analytics team, creating enterprise advanced people analytics and data visualisation and reporting sub-teams within the larger group, which are led by two of our team members. Taking a chance on subject matter experts and giving them the opportunity to lead and delegate not only helps to open up doors for them, it also gives them a chance to coach others on their team to be future experts and leaders. Lastly, we also created a new learning analytics role on our people analytics team which is a step toward building greater synergies between people analytics and learning practices, but also our small contribution in creating a new capability (and career path!) that is still evolving in many organisations.