• 硅谷
    TheLadders更新其iPhone应用专注职业推荐,同时推出“就业市场指导”功能 当你不找工作的时候,求职网站或应用又有何用处呢?这便是TheLadders当前正在解决的问题,该公司近日对其iOS版应用做出了更新,还推出了一项名为“就业市场指导”(Job Market Guide)的新功能。     TheLadders首席执行官亚历克斯·多泽特(Alex Douzet)告诉我,这两项举措只是TheLadders提出的新战略的第一步。TheLadders创立于2003年,最初的目标受众是寻找年薪超10万美元职务的人,近年来开始将业务重点扩大至更广泛的职业和收入类别。     多泽特指出,目前工作搜索问题“已经在很大程度上得到解决”,不仅TheLadders在此过程中做出了贡献,LinkedIn和Indeed之类的网站也功不可没。但他表示,这一市场仍然有进一步挖掘的空间,因为专业人士通常每隔三年或四年便会换一份工作。像TheLadders这样的网站“在三四年间给他们做的并不多”——多泽特希望随着这些新产品以及其他酝酿中的创意的发布,能够改变这种状况。     下面就让我们来谈一谈今天发布的TheLadders新版IOS应用吧。多泽特指出,即便你现在并没找工作,但你也可以给那些正在寻找合适人选填补职务空缺的团队工作,或是可以帮助好友找到理想的工作。虽然在线工作推荐并不是什么新创意,但根据多泽特及其团队昨天向我演示的这款应用,我发现它可以通过一种常见且便捷的方法来进行这种推荐。     你在TheLadders上面发布招聘启事时,需要填写许多基本细节——公司介绍、招聘职务、工作地点等,这些描述不得超过200个单词。职务空缺会显示在TheLadders应用中联系人的信息流中,这些联系人可以推荐他们网络中的熟人。如果发帖公司和被推荐者都“赞”了这份推荐,那么他们就可以在TheLadders应用中互相聊一聊。(你还可以推荐不是TheLadders会员的人,但他们会被要求下载该应用。     TheLadders专门针对移动用户开发了该应用,这一点同样至关重要。我不善交际,但可以想见,有些时候下班参与活动或是与朋友一起出去吃饭时,如果看到某个招聘启事,我会想,‘哎呀,我认识一个人特别适合这一工作’,然后我会记下来,等周围有电脑时继续跟进。有时候我可能会忘了这件事,有时候或许仍然记得。通过专注于移动端,TheLadders则可以让你在这些环境下立即采取行动。     TheLadders还会在其去年推出的应用中继续提供现有求职功能。多泽特表示,TheLadders移动应用的绝大部分用户都是iOS设备用户,所以该公司当前也专注于发展iOS平台,不过他承认“当我们看到使用量真的开始大幅增长时,我们会面向现有安卓版应用推出新的职务推荐功能,优化安卓用户的体验。”     与此同时,Job Market Guide预计将在下周正式发布,TheLadders今天推出的只是功能有限的“预览版”。Job Market Guide的想法是,聚合700多万TheLadders注册用户的所有数据,让他们可以掌握自己所选职业的最新信息。     例如,我正在搜索纽约市某些作家的数据,该应用会显示一个页面,里面包括平均工资、当前市场竞争程度,以及“最合适”这一职业发展的城市列表(列表由工资、竞争性和生活成本等因素确定)。你还能看到这一职业所需要的各种技能,甚至可以创建提醒功能,一旦有任何变动和新工作上线,你的电子邮箱都会收到提醒。     多泽特表示,TheLadders的就业指导是独一无二的,因为这一数据反映了用户讨论的最新趋势,而不是几个月前或是几年前某份研究报告透露的内容,并且会根据当地人的偏好做出调整——不仅是工资,还有雇主正在寻找的热门技能,而这些技能会因城市的不同而有所差别。多泽特指出,TheLadders的用户具有不隐瞒收入的动机,因为这有助于他们找到相应的工作:“如果他们隐瞒了当前收入状况,不久便会发现这种做法对他们有害无益。”     在被问及这些数据是否更偏向于那些高收入职业(TheLadders最早曾专注于为高收入群体提供服务)时,多泽特表示年薪低于10万美元的工作和年薪超过10万美元的工作之比现在是二比一。这或许并不能体现美国劳动大军的准确构成,但TheLadders表示其用户的规模和深度足以让这种数据变得有意义。     至于长期职业规划,多泽特表示TheLadders并不会向用户推荐他们十年以后应该从事哪种工作,因为职场并不是一成不变的,有时候并无明显的规律可循。他说:“没有一款产品能预言5年或10年以后你应该干什么。不过,职位介绍应该与相关工作有联系,所以,如果你是作家,想要成为一名编辑,仍然可以从这款应用中感受到你需要多少别的经验,以及什么样的新技能。”     TheLadders Revamps iPhone App To Focus On Job Referrals, Unveils Job Market Guide What good is a job search site or app when you’re not looking for a job? That’s the issueTheLadders is tackling with the launch of a new version of its iOS app and a new feature that it calls the Job Market Guide.   CEO Alex Douzet told me that these are the first steps in a new direction for the company, which was founded in 2003. TheLadders was initially aimed at people looking for jobs that paid more than $100,000, before expanding its focus to a broader range of careers and salaries in recent years.   At this point, Douzet argued that the job search problem “has been mostly solved,” not just by TheLadders but by other sites like LinkedIn and Indeed. However, he said there’s still an opportunity to expand, because professionals usually only change jobs every three to four years. A site like TheLadders “is not really doing much for them in between” — something he’s hoping to change with these products, and with other ideas in the pipeline.   Let’s start with the updated app, which is launching today. Douzet pointed out that even if you’re not looking for a job, there’s a good chance you’re working on a team that needs to find good people fill open positions, or you may be able to help out a friend who’s trying to do the same. And while online job referrals aren’t a new idea, the app that Douzet and his team showed me yesterday offers a casual, convenient way to make those recommendations.   When you post a job opening in the app, you just enter a few basic details — your company, the title, the location, and a description, which can’t go longer than 200 words. The listing then shows up in the newsfeeds of your connections in the app, and those connections can recommend people in their network. If both the poster and the person being referred “like” the recommendation, then they can start chatting with each other in the app. (You can also recommend people who aren’t already members of TheLadders, who are then asked to download the app.)     The fact that TheLadders built this specifically for mobile could also be key. I’m no great connector, but even I can think of times when I was at an after-work event, or having dinner with a friend, and a job opening came up. I’d think, “Oh man, I know someone who’d be perfect for this” — then I’d have to make a note to myself to follow-up once I was at a computer again, which sometimes happened, and sometimes didn’t. By focusing on mobile, TheLadders allows you to take action right away in those situations.   The company will also continue to offer the existing job search features in the app, which launched last year. Douzet said added that the majority of TheLadders’ mobile usage is on iOS, so that’s where the focus is right now, but he acknowledged, “When we see the usage really, taking off, we will have to address Android” by introducing the new referral features to the existing Android app.   The Job Market Guide, meanwhile, is supposed to launch in full next week, but the company is releasing a more limited, “sneak preview” version today. The idea is to aggregate all the data from TheLadders’ 7 million-plus registered users and give people access to up-to-date information about their chosen professions.   For example, I looked up the data for writers in New York City, bringing up a page that includes the average salary, the current level of competitiveness, and a list of the “best” cities for that career (which is determined by a combination of salary, competitiveness, and cost-of-living). You can also see the kinds of skills needed for jobs in that profession and set up email alerts for changes and listings.   Douzet said TheLadders’ guide is unique because the data reflects what users are saying now, not what was reported in a study months or years ago, and it’s attuned to local differences — not just in salaries but also in the skills that employers are looking for, which can vary from city to city. He also argued that users on TheLadders have an incentive to be honest about their salaries, because that helps them to find relevant jobs: “If they lie about their current compensation, they find out very quickly that it’s not going to be useful for them.”   Asked if the data is skewed towards those high-income jobs that TheLadders started with, Douzet said the ratio between jobs paying less than versus more than $100,000 a year is now two-to-one. That may not be a perfect representation of the American workforce, but the company says the size and breadth of its user base is enough to make the data meaningful.   As far as longer term career planning, Douzet said TheLadders doesn’t try to tell you what kind of job you might have a decade from now, because careers don’t always follow an obvious, linear path: “There’s no product you can build that can predict in 5, 10 years where they should go.” However, the job profiles link to profiles for related jobs, so if you’re writer looking to become an editor, you can get a sense of how much additional experiences and what new skills you need.   来源:TC
  • 硅谷
    大学毕业生招聘平台Tyba 再获3100万美元融资 Tyba是一家致力于让科技创业公司这样的企业更加有效地招聘大学毕业生的“新人招聘市场”,该公司去年曾完成了由Sunstone Capital 领投的总额为1300万美元的一轮融资。如今他们再次融资3100万美元,投资的还是Sunstone Capital,还有一家新投资方加入——风险投资基金Impulse,隶属于全球第七大主权财富基金科威特投资局(Kuwaiti Investment Authority)。     Tyba 的理念在于用户在该平台上提供的大量职业信息可以让招聘者和求职者之间实现更加精确的匹配。目前,欧洲14个城市的500多家创业公司使用这一平台寻找大学毕业生候选员工,Tyba 希望这一数字能够增加到1000。     年轻一代的新求职者可以通过这个平台以普通的网络资料或简历之外的方式展示自我。接着招聘者可以根据“软技能”以及毕业生的兴趣进行信息的过滤。     其竞争对手包括Collegefeed,一家将众包和社交相结合的服务,在学生和其他学生以及潜在雇主之间建立联系。Collegefeed已获180万美元融资,投资者包括Accel Partners。另一家竞争对手Graduateland 则试图打造一个基于全球各大院校的大型招聘网络。   Tyba 的三位创始人埃索·康德(Eiso Kant),佐治·施努拉(Jorge Schnura)以及菲利普·冯(Philip von)于2011年在马德里创办了这家公司,目前已有28名员工。     Tyba– a “junior recruitment market” aimed at allowing companies like tech startups to more efficiently hire university and college graduates – last year raised $1.3 million in an investment round led by Sunstone Capital. It’s now raised another $3.1 million, once again from Sunstone Capital and a new investor, the VC fund Impulse, which is part of the Kuwaiti Investment Authority (KIA), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund.     Tyba’s idea is that the large amounts of professional information that users provide on the platform allows for a more accurate matching of hirers and prospects. Currently, over 500 startups in 14 different European cities use its platform to target graduate candidates and it hopes to increase that to 1,000.     New young recruits are offered the ability to showcase themselves beyond ordinary web profiles or their CV. Then recruiters filter the information around ‘soft-skills’ and the interests of the graduates. Its competitors include Collegefeed, a service that combines crowdsourcing with social networking to connect students with each other and potential employers. Collegefeed has raised $1.8 million from investors including Accel Partners. Another, Graduateland, is trying to create a large recruitment network based on international universities.     Tyba founders Eiso Kant, Jorge Schnura and Philip von created the company in Madrid in 2011 and it now has 28 staff.   来源:TC
  • 硅谷
    在线编辑Word也能和同事边改边聊了 [摘要]微软再度宣布,将会在网页版(在线版)Office工具中,植入Skype网络聊天功能。 在移动优先云优先的战略下,微软软件产品的互联网化和融合,达到了前所未有的程度。近日微软再度宣布,将会在网页版(在线版)Office工具中,植入Skype网络聊天功能。     我们在微软官方网站看到,微软的Office365团队在一篇官方博文中宣布了此事。     微软表示,在线版的Office,之前已经提供了多人协同编辑的功能,而通过网页版的聊天功能,工作同事之间,或是员工和客户之间可以就文档实现更便捷的沟通。     微软声明显示,网页版Office植入的聊天功能,来自于微软旗下的网络电话和聊天工具Skype。因此在处理文档阶段的聊天过程结束之后,用户之间仍然可以利用Skype的其他客户端,继续进行沟通。     需要指出的是,微软植入聊天的在线办公软件,目前暂时只包括字处理工具Word,以及演示稿制作工具PPT,电子表格Excel暂未支持。     微软表示,这一聊天功能的正式上线时间是“几周以后”。     据美国科技新闻网站TheVerge报道,在此之前在邮箱服务Outlook.com和云存储OneDrive中,微软已经率先整合了Skype聊天,此次是整合计划的延续。     在斥资85亿美元收购Skype之后,Skype在微软业务版图中的地位日显重要。为了全力保障Skype的发展,微软终止了另外一款即时通信工具“LiveMessenger”(国内俗称的“MSN”)。     Skype目前是全球网络电话工具市场的绝对老大,由于涉及到语音,Skype服务主要以客户端工具的形式发布。按照“云优先”的战略,就在几天之前,微软首次推出了网页版的Skype服务,可以支持IE、Chrome等主流浏览器。     在网页版办公和应用服务中植入聊天功能上,谷歌已经先行一步。很多年前谷歌就开始在Gmail支持使用当时的Chat工具聊天,后来谷歌也在在线办公工具Docs、Sheets、Slides中植入了聊天,方便多人协同文档修改。     据报道,微软此次植入的网页版聊天,要比谷歌略胜一筹,因为用户可以在Skype的其他工具继续中断的聊天。而在谷歌产品中,谷歌尚未将网页聊天服务和旗下主力聊天产品Hangouts进行整合。     在微软更加看重的企业市场,其也推出了企业版的Skype,预计未来更多的企业软件和应用服务,也会植入Skype聊天。(晨曦)   来源:腾讯科技
  • 硅谷
    Salesforce第三财季营收与利润均超分析师预期,但当前财季业绩预期疲软 Salesforce今天发布了2015财年第三财季财报。财报显示,Salesforce当季实现营收13.83亿美元,不按照美国通用会计准则(non-GAAP)计算,合每股收益0.14美元;按照美国通用会计准则(GAAP)计算,Salesforce第三财季净亏损3892万美元,合每股亏损0.06美元。华尔街分析师此前预计Salesforce第三财季营收为13.71亿美元,合每股收益0.13美元。     第三财季,来自重复性订阅产品的收入在Salesforce总营收的占比达到了93%,与去年同期持平。对于任何一家SaaS(软件即服务)公司而言,订阅收入都是一项重要指标。     按照美国通用会计准则计算,Salesforce的亏损与去年同期相比大幅减少。2014财年第三财季,Salesforce亏损达到了1.24434亿美元,合每股亏损0.21美元。2015财年第三财季,Salesforce的总营收同比增长29%。     对于当前的第四财季,Salesforce预计公司营收在14.36亿美元到14.41亿美元之间,同比增长25%到26%。     此外,Salesforce预计公司营收增长速度在即将到来的2016财年会继续下滑。该公司预计,2016年财年营收介于64.5亿美元到65亿美元之间,比2015财年增长约20%到21%。     Salesforce的营收增长速度开始放缓并不足为奇。按照规律,每次营收数字太大,都会对同比带来更大的拖累。Salesforce预计全年20%到21%的营收增长速度好像也不能激起投资商的热情——毕竟,该公司股价在盘后交易中出现下跌——但是我认为这个数字并不太疲软。分析师此前预计2016财年Salesforce的营收增长幅度只有数百万美元。   截至2015财年第三财季末,Salesforce持有的现金及现金等价物为18.3亿美元。     这个季度,由于Dreamforce用户大会的举行,Salesforce一直忙着推出各种各样的新产品。其中一个重磅产品就是外界期待已久的分析产品“Wave”。除此之外,Salesforce还宣布他们正在扩大与微软的合作范围(双方合作始于今年春天),同时对移动应用开发项目(现称作Salesforce 1 Lightning)进行重大调整。Salesforce还对旗下核心CRM(客户关系管理)工具做了更新,增加了交互式实时客户服务功能。   Salesforce Slips On Weak Guidance, Despite Beating On Both Revenue And Profit In Its FQ3 In its fiscal 2015 third quarter, Salesforce reported revenue of $1.383 billion, non-GAAP earnings per share of $0.14, a GAAP net loss of $38.92 million, and a GAAP loss per share of $0.06. Analysts had expected $0.13 in adjusted profit on revenue of $1.371 billion. The percentage of its revenue that came from recurring, subscription sources — a key metric for any SaaS business — totaled 93 percent for the firm, unchanged from the year-ago quarter. The company’s GAAP losses were down steeply year-over-year, when the company lost $124.434 million, or $0.21 per share. For the period, Salesforce’s total revenue rose 29 percent compared to its year-ago quarter. For its current fiscal fourth quarter, Salesforce expects revenue of $1.436 billion to $1.441 billion. Those figures would push the company’s revenue up between 25 and 26 percent on a year-over-year basis. Salesforce expects its revenue growth to slip further in its rapidly-approaching fiscal 2016, during which it expects to generate top line of $6.45 billion to $6.50 billion, which according to the firm will represent growth of around 20 to 21 percent compared to the preceding fiscal year. That Salesforce is seeing slowing percentage growth is not surprising. The law of large numbers drags harder every time you increase your revenue compared to a prior-year quarter. Salesforce’s predicted full-year 20 to 21 percent growth doesn’t appear to have greatly enthused investors — its shares are off after-hours, after all — but I don’t think that the number is too soft either. Analysts had expected a few hundred million more for its fiscal 2016. The company had cash and equivalents of $1.83 billion at the end of its fiscal third quarter. Salesforce has been extremely busy this quarter making a flurry of announcements around their mega Dreamforce user conference. The big news was the long awaited analytics product called Wave. In addition, Salesforce announced that they were extending the partnership with Microsoft announced last Spring and there was a major overhaul and rebranding of the mobile app development program, which is now called Salesforce 1 Lightning. They also gave their core CRM tool a refresh and added an interactive live customer service feature.   来源:TC
  • 硅谷
    帮助学员提升实际工作能力,一对一在线编程教育平台Bloc完成600万美元A轮融资 一对一在线编程教育平台Bloc日前完成 600 万美元 A 轮融资,由 Shasta Ventures 领投,加上此前的种子轮,Bloc 的总融资额已达到 850 万美元。     Bloc 成立于 2012 年,由 Roshan Choxi(CEO)和 Dave Paola(CTO)联合创办,总部位于旧金山。过去一年中,Bloc 的增长率达到 400%,完成课程的学员占到 75%。     平台上现有多种网页和移动开发的课程,包括 UX 设计、Android 和 iOS 开发等。所有的课程都通过网页完成,学员还可以参与到一些实际项目的开发。Bloc 教学模式的特点是一对一导师制,每名学员都会被分配到一名导师,在整个学习过程中提供个性化、专业化的辅导。     Bloc 非常重视学员的就业。公司 CEO Roshan 认为,在软件开发和设计领域,传统教育机构没能培养出符合企业要求的人才。Bloc 在 MOOC 和实体开发者训练营之间找到了平衡点,通过一对一导师模式,学员可以科学系统地学习到符合将来工作要求的技能,并积累一定的编程经验,在毕业后就可以很快开始新的职业生涯。     投资方 Shasta Ventures 的合伙人 Sean Flynn 说:   2015 年,在线教育的市场规模预计将达到 1070 亿美元,而 Bloc 的模式非常独特、有效,具有很好的拓展性。其导师制课程以及对学员实际工作能力的培养将促使其更好地发展。   本轮融资后,Bloc 将继续扩大课程规模,招募更多地导师,给予学员更多上手实际训练的机会,为他们将来的职业发展提供更好的起点。   [本文编译自:marketwired.com]
  • 硅谷
    企业协作管理初创企业Redbooth获1100万美元融资 为企业团队提供任务跟踪、云存储及视频聊天等协作工具的初创企业Redbooth近日获得了 1100 万美元的融资。     Redbooth 2008 年成立于巴萨罗那,原先的名字叫做 Teambox,后来总部迁到了加州 Redwood,名字也改成了现在这个。Redbooth 是一个以项目为核心的团队协作管理平台,提供了了云存储、聊天工具、高画质视频会议以及各种项目管理工具;同时还集成了 Gmail、Outlook 电子邮件,Google、Box、Dropbox 等云存储,CA 的项目管理软件 Clarity,Salesforce.com 的销售线索跟踪服务等其他的协作服务;此外 Redbooth 还提供 API 给开发者以便将其集成到其他软件当中。可以说,Redbooth 提供的是一体化的协作解决方案。     Redbooth 根据团队规模已月租形式收费。其中 Starter 套餐针对 10 用户以下,月租费为 49 美元,20 用户的 Pro 版费用为 99 美元,30 用户的 Plus 版为 149 美元,50 用户的 Enterprise 版为 199 美元。Redbooth 还支持更大的用户规模,也支持在本地部署,但费用需要详谈。目前公司已拥有 5500 多家 IQ 也客户,其中包括 Airbnb、苹果、德国电信、哈佛大学、Spotify 及大众奥迪等。     此轮融资由由 Altpoint Ventures 领投,Avalon Ventures 参投。此轮融资过后,其总融资额为 1750 万美元。     [36氪,作者: boxi]
  • 硅谷
    IBM向谷歌开炮:推出基于云的电子邮件服务   北京时间11月19日凌晨消息,IBM周二宣布推出一项基于网络的电子邮件服务,旨在与互联网巨头谷歌(GOOG)展开竞争,这标志着IBM罕有地直接向终端用户提供服务。   IBM推出的这项服务名为“IBM Verse”,除基本的电邮服务以外还加入了其他协作和社交媒体功能。IBM计划面向个人和小企业用户提供这种基于云的服务,并希望向大型公司出售商用版服务。这意味 着终端用户将可以自助的形式直接使用Verse服务,这对IBM来说是自其2005年出售个人电脑部门以来所实施的一种罕见战略。     这种“免费增值”的销售模式在谷歌等在线软件提供商中是很常见的,也就是免费提供基本版的服务,同时出售功能更加丰富的商用版服务。IBM下属社交解决方案业务的总经理杰夫-西科(Jeff Schick)称,这对于IBM想要从事的业务来说是一种“非常重要的维度”。     IBM首席执行官罗睿兰(Virginia Rometty)已经采取了多种新战略来提升该公司的销售额,该公司在过去10个季度中一直都未能实现营收增长。她所采取的措施包括与Twitter结盟,通过对Twitter消息 进行“深挖”的方式来解决企业问题;以及与苹果公司(AAPL)达成合作来开发商业应用,并向IBM的企业客户出售iPhone和iPad等。(金良/编译)   来源:新浪财经
  • 硅谷
    日本第一大人力资源服务商Recruit营收同比增11.3% ,盈利能力下降 日本第一大人力资源服务供应商Recruit最新财务数据显示,截至2014年9月30日的六个月该公司营收同比上涨10.4%至6,173亿日元(约合53亿美元)。2014财年上半年Recruit毛利润为3,040亿日元(约合26亿美元),运营利润却同比下滑3.2%至534亿日元(约合4.618亿美元);2014财年上半年净利润同比下滑4.1%至284亿日元(约合2.456亿美元)。该公司表示,之所以盈利能力有所下降,其原因在于Recruit战略调整正在实施中长期增长的投资策略。   值得强调的是,Recruit人才服务业务在2014财年上半年的营收为3,281亿日元(约合28亿美元),同比增幅达11.3%。据悉,人才服务业务营收占该公司总营收的53%。Recruit人才服务业务在2014财年上半年中的息税折旧摊销前利润同比也大幅上涨13.1%至189亿日元(约合1.61亿美元)。 财报还显示,Recruit本土市场日本的人才服务业务市场依旧在呈现出稳步拓张趋势。日本本土市场人才服务业务在2014年上半年的营收为1,915亿日元(约合17亿美元)。Recruit海外市场中的北美及欧洲区业务扩张形势进一步加强,其海外人才服务业务营收同比上涨13.2%至1,365亿日元(约合12亿美元)。 Recruit Holdings revenue up by over 10%  (Nov. 17, 2014,/staffingindustry.com/)Recruit Holdings (6098: JP), the largest staffing firm in Japan, reported revenue of JPY 617.3 billion (USD 5.3 billion) for the six months ending 30 September 2014, an increase of +10.4% over the same period in 2013. The company achieved gross profit for the period of JPY 304 billion (USD 2.6 billion), while operating income of JPY 53.4 billion (USD 461.8 million) decreased by -3.2% compared to 2013. Net income decreased by -4.1% to JPY 28.4 billion (USD 245.6 million), year-on-year. The reduction in profitability was attributed to investments carried out for medium-term growth. The Staffing segment which represents 53% of the company’s total revenue reported revenue of JPY 328.1 billion (USD 2.8 billion) for the six month period, an increase of 11.3% over the same period last year. Staffing EBITDA was JPY 18.9 billion (USD 161 million), an increase of +13.1% over the same period in 2013.   According to the company’s financial statement; the domestic staffing market continues to enjoy a moderate expansion trend as the number of active agency workers remain on an upward trend. Revenue from domestic staffing during the period was JPY 191.5 billion (USD 1.7 billion). In the overseas staffing market, operations in North America and Europe enjoyed a moderate expansion trend. Net sales were favourable, reflecting steady growth in business performance and successful growth of outsourcing services at Advantage Resourcing Europe. Revenue from overseas staffing operations was JPY 136.5 billion (USD 1.2 billion), an increase of +13.2%. 来源:staffingindustry.com
  • 硅谷
    "Facebook工作版"震惊同业 LinkedIn大跌5% [摘要]Facebook推出面向企业员工的产品,将会威胁到一大批企业市场的大玩家。 用户总规模达到22亿人的社交网络巨头Facebook,正在开发服务企业员工内部办公的“工作版Facebook”,将成为企业内部协作和社交的新平台。《金融时报》、《纽约时报》等网站披露的这一消息,本周在科技行业内引发哗然。周一,职业社交网站LinkedIn股价大跌5%,不少行业分析师指出,Facebook效仿谷歌,从消费互联网进入企业市场,将会对微软、谷歌、思科等厂商,构成巨大威胁。     首当其冲 LinkedIn是面向白领的商务社交网络,和企业员工关系最为密切。Facebook研发工作版,对其冲击最大。     周一,LinkedIn股价大跌了4.54%,跌幅为10.61美元,周一的收盘价显示为223.28美元,目前公司市值为277亿美元。     和Facebook、Twitter截然不同的是,LinkedIn瞄准企业“严肃社交”市场,构建了针对企业高管和白领员工的一系列功能,在白领群体中受到欢迎。     美国科技市调公司恩德勒集团的分析师恩德勒(RobEnderle)表示:“LinkedIn绝不仅仅是一个休闲场所,它已经成为找工作的场所。”他认为,Facebook的工作版将威胁到LinkedIn。     进入测试 根据《金融时报》报道,工作版的Facebook已经进入了内部测试阶段,Facebook大量员工正在试用。这一产品将提供企业员工内部沟通和协作的各种工具,包括部门动态更新,办公聊天,文档共享,甚至可能包括办公文档的在线编辑(类似谷歌在线办公软件)。     另据《纽约时报》的报道,Facebook研发工作版产品,已经持续了多年时间,一直在优化面向员工的各种功能。     考虑到员工的隐私需求,Facebook将会在私人版和工作版社交工具之间设立一个“防火墙”,私人发送的照片或动态,不会分享到工作版中。     美国科技市调公司Forrester的分析师科普洛维茨(RobKoplowitz)表示,从目前来看,Facebook正在跟随谷歌的步伐,从纯粹的消费者产品拓展到企业市场,“我们还无法掌握Facebook在这条路上到底会走多远。”     新市场挑战 法新社引述分析师指出,Facebook推出面向企业员工的产品,将会威胁到一大批企业市场的大玩家,除了上述的LinkedIn之外,还包括思科的Jabber,IBMConnections,微软收购的Yammer,以及谷歌的在线办公协作工具。     上述分析师恩德勒表示,Facebook进入企业市场,是水到渠成的扩张举动,“这属于Facebook擅长的领域,这是一个扩张的途径,即进入其他人的地盘。”     然而在企业市场,Facebook将面临新的挑战。在个人网民市场中,Facebook可以采集用户数据,并通过精准广告获取收入,而在企业市场,企业愿意付费购买能够提高员工工作效率的产品,而不愿意放弃机密数据。     分析师表示,在吸引企业客户方面,如何保护企业的机密数据,将是Facebook的一个软肋。     分析师恩德勒表示:“在涉及隐私保护的问题上,人们对Facebook有一种不信任,而企业对于隐私和商业机密十分敏感。”     业务突破 多家机构的报告指出,虽然Facebook在全世界拥有海量用户,但是其在年轻人中的吸引力正在日渐散失,年轻网民流向了手机平台上的各种聊天和分享APP。     法新社认为,在上述背景下,进军企业市场,将会是Facebook的一个业务突破方向。     三季度的财报数据显示,Facebook的利润几乎翻了一番,达到8亿美元,不过Facebook表示未来还将保持较高的研发和资本开支,这一表态导致其股价大跌。     扎克伯格在财报会议上表示:“我们将会继续为未来做好准备,包括继续进行积极投资,连接每一个人,理解这个世界,建设下一代的计算平台。我们还有很长的路要走。”     在传统业务之外的突破和扩张上,谷歌已经给Facebook树立了一个榜样。在网络搜索之外,谷歌进入了企业在线办公、云计算,并在安卓生态中构建了类似苹果的完整的数字内容和媒体产品体系,谷歌还在进入物流快递、光纤宽带、基于卫星和高空热气球的网络接入等领域。     显然,Facebook也需要在社交网络之外的领域,寻找到新的发展机会。此前,Facebook已经开始涉足发展中国家的网络接入业务。     比开发“工作版”更令人吃惊的是,Facebook之前斥资20亿美元,收购了虚拟现实头盔厂商OculusVR,一跃成为虚拟现实领域的领袖级厂商,虚拟现实正是扎克伯格所谈到的“下一代计算平台”。(晨曦)   来源:腾讯科技
  • 硅谷
    Clustree:利用大数据自动匹配公司内部人才与职位 Clustree是一家利用大数据来为大公司中的合适职位寻找合适人选的法国创业公司。Clustree 不仅能帮助觉得屈才的好员工,也可以帮助可能没有考虑到从自家公司中寻找合适人选的人力资源部门。     Clustree 创始人兼首席执行官本艾蒂科特·索斯安(Bénédicte de Raphélis Soissan)在电话采访中对我表示:“Clustree 是一个针对人才管理的软件即服务平台。我们分析了数百万人的职业生涯路径,并创建了跳槽的人的数据图。我们计算相似度并进行推荐。”     最开始的时候,Clustree 从网络上下载了上千万份简历来寻找趋势,这只是开头。现在 Clustree 要有用得多了,用户可以上传自己公司的简历,还能手动通过表格添加员工的数据。所有数据都会进行匿名化处理,并用于帮助为 Clustree 其他客户生成更好的推荐。     总的来说,和猎头公司打交道或花无数时间来面试候选人相比,这一方式要便宜的多。而且 Clustree 对现有员工也有益,员工们可能会更加尽心地工作。     本艾蒂科特·索斯安说道:“我们想要打破传统的职业生涯路径。我们想说有机会从一份工作跳到另一份工作。有时候甚至会出现全新的工作岗位,雇主找不到任何符合这些工作的标准档案。”     Clustree 的方法奏效了。拥有 2000 名员工以上的法国大公司开始使用 Clustree 来进行人才管理。在本艾蒂科特·索斯安测试市场时,法国燃气苏伊士集团就成为了 Clustree 的首个客户。当时该产品还没有完成,她想看看有没有公司会购买。换言之,她在团队开发出产品前就把产品销售了出去。   Clustree 背后的理念来自于创始人的个人经历。当本艾蒂科特·索斯安想要辞掉工作换一份工作时,她搜索了数百份拥有相同背景的类似档案,好看看自己接下来能做什么。但她没有换成工作,而是创办了一家公司来帮助有同一需求的人。     Clustree 最近从 Alven Capital 及几名天使投资人处获得了 76 万美元种子融资。目前 Clustree 正在开发一项大的产品更新,让产品变得更有用。比如,让公司搜索特定行业的人才档案。     人力资源部门绝对应该使用更多数据来作决策,这也是 Clustree 有趣的原因。Clustree 还很年轻,但未来可能会推出更多有用的功能。         Meet Clustree, a French startup that uses big data to find the right person for the right position within big companies. Clustree will help both good employees who feel stuck in their jobs and HR departments who might not think to check their own companies for the perfect candidate.     “Clustree is a SaaS platform for talent management,” founder and CEO Bénédicte de Raphélis Soissan told me in a phone interview. “We analyze the career paths of millions of people and create data charts of people hopping from one job to another. We calculate the likelihood and make recommendations.”     At first, Clustree downloaded tens of millions of résumés on the web to find out trends — this was just used to get a head start. Now, Clustree is much more useful as you can upload résumés from your own company. You can also manually add data about your employees using a form. All this data is anonymized and will help building better recommendations for all the other Clustree customers.     Overall, it makes hiring much cheaper than having to work with a talent agency or spending countless of hours interviewing candidates. And it might be benificial for existing employees as well — they might end up with a more fulfilling job.     “We want to break traditional career paths,” Raphélis Soissan said. “We want to say that there are opportunities to jump from one job to another. Sometimes, there are even brand new jobs, and you can’t find any typical profile for these jobs.” And it works. Big French companies with more than 2,000 employees started using Clustree for their own talent management. GDF Suez was the first client — at the time, Raphélis Soissan wanted to test the market. The product wasn’t even done. Yet, she wanted to see whether a company would buy it. In other words, she sold the product before her team developed it.     The idea behind Clustree comes from the founder’s personal experience. When Raphélis Soissan wanted to quit her job and find a new one, she started searching for hundreds of similar profiles with the same background to see what she could do. Instead of picking the logical next job, she founded her own company to help people in the same situation.     The company recently raised a $760,000 (€600,000) seed round from Alven Capital and business angels, such as Jean-David Blanc, Fred Montagnon and Florian Douetteau. It is currently working on a major product update that will make it more useful. For example, it will be possible to restrict search queries to companies working in a particular industry.     HR departments should definitely use more data to make educated decisions, and that’s why Clustree is an interesting startup. It’s still very early for the young startup, but there are many potentially useful features behind Clustree.   来源:TC